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skullcrusher goes to school...

Gixxus Christ!

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Enrolling in a six sigma black belt certification program next month. Haven't seen the inside of a classroom since I was an apprentice machinist at 22 yrs old...not that I'll be seeing a classroom as this course is completely online. Seems like a good move, I doubt I'll have my current job more than 2 more years due to the current trend of moving all the jobs out of akron to break the union. I figure it will look good on a resume for my next manufacturing job or maybe even allow me to get up off the floor and into a project manager or process engineer type situation. Anyone here familiar with six sigma? I've been Wikipedia-ing and learning some but it's better to heat from someone who's been elbow deep in it.

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We are a big Six Sigma company. Have you done your Green Belt? In order to get your Black Belt you have to complete the training as well as at least one project. I'm a Green Belt so I may be able to answer some of your questions. I also have a god friend who is a Black Belt i can put you in touch with.

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The class is 3 parts: green belt, lean sigma and blackbelt. the blackbelt course is twice as long as the others because you get assigned a 4 week virtual project you have to complete and save a certain amount of time and man hours. Once all 3 courses are complete I can take a certification test for my blackbelt.

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please ignore all and any active NDA you have with your current employer and forward me all available documentation you can get from your online course so i can learn for free k thx

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Motorola (an American company) developed the system and saved billions of dollars the first year.general electric hired a six sigma team and had similar results. This certification gives me a huge edge over other people competing for the same job.

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The company that I worked for before doing what I do now went through the process of six sigma, lean, and ISO 900x.  It SOUNDED painful at the beginning, but at the end of it all, it was actually not a big deal, and made big improvements in efficiency.  From my view of it all, it was more of learning how to think efficient, compared to "just get it done," if that makes any sense.  


I'm sure it will be a nice addition to a resume, especially in manufacturing or distribution.

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i've hired people with and without the certification... can't say i noticed much of a difference.  i wish there was a certification for "self motivated" and "decent human being".  i'll train you on everything else since nobody is good enough for me when i first meet them anyway.

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I got my yellow belt maybe 10 years ago through a program at work. Quite a few of the engineers at work got the black belt and I heard it was a lot of work. I never needed to go that far...didn't need the yellow belt either but we were "encouraged" to get it. It was a waste of time for me but I get why the process engineers did it.

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I completed my Green Belt training last year.  It can be a lot of work to complete your certification, which I still haven't completed yet. I went through the training, and then have been bombed at work with many large projects.  

In order to get my certification, I have to complete a project using various tools (SIPOC, histograms, process mapping, ect) following the DMAIC process. As a requirement, I have to involve a team of at least 3-4 other people, as part of the training emphasized that you can't succeed in these types of projects alone.  I'm interested to hear about how the online course works out. 

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