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Who's at fault?


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Definitely bike. The cars in the intersection while blocking the box still have the right of way when the yellow and then red light comes. Biker failed to yield and should also get a reckless op charge for riding like that. What an asshole. 

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I hope he was not dumb enough to show that tape to the cops. I guess we can already tell he is by the way he rode thru the intersection.


He posted it to YouTube, so....



Published on Mar 23, 2015

High Street and Greenlawn Ave March 21 2015 5:30 PM
Look guys, i know i made a poor judgement call about entering the intersection, but taken from my perspective, i was well on my way of crossing in front of his car before he started moving, I was also creating a lot of noise when i was holding my clutch a bit then all the way to revv my engine and make myself heard. even the other guys saw me, this guy just pulled forward at the last second, and i was unable to move any more or stop. neither I nor the other driver was cited, due to the situation. Im just trying to be honest about the whole thing. he shouldve been paying attention and maybe i should just turned right..., but hey, hindsight's 20/20 tho right? if i wouldve know he was gonna start moving, i wouldnt have attempted what i did


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The idiot drivers shouldn't have stacked up the intersection like that. When the light turns red they have the obligation of clearing the intersection If they are beyond either the thick white line or the stop sign if there's no line. The driver was impeding traffic. The biker was being an idiot and should have passed at a safe speed only after getting the drivers attention and there being some echange of 'hey, I'm going in front of you, don't pull up'...

My $.02

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Haha well I personally would not have gone through that intersection under those conditions at that speed. Id say both at fault. Driver for not properly judging if he was going to be able to make the light or not and the rider for racing through that intersection.

Sent from my iPhone.

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And another fucking thing. None of you Columbus living sunsabitches can drive worth a cocking fuck. Every goddamn time I ride my bike through Columbus, some self-righteous and equally oblivious fuckwad almost kills the shit out of me.

I've had one of you ignorant fucks LOOK STRAIGHT INTO MY EYES AND TURN RIGHT INTO ME on the freeway.

Looked. Right. At. Me.

And came over, anyway. Like I wasn't another human being whose life fucking mattered, in the slightest. Completely would not have fucking cared if I got hit at 60 mph.

Fuck Cockumbus and all who reside there.

I'm giving you a mental hug.
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So speaking of right of way here is an actual situation:

Four way stop sign intersection. As I'm approaching the stop, truck is also coming from the opposite way preparing to stop. No car to my right. Two cars coming to a stop from the left, one behind the other. They all get there before me.

Truck in front of me coming the opposite way gets there first, so he moves ahead. I'm at the stop sign waiting now. The guy to the my left pulls forward. The car behind him got there before me, but I'm in front of the line in my direction. Who goes next? Me or the second guy to the left?

I assume its me. Regardless of if he got to the intersection before me I came to the stop sign before him. I pull out and then he does as well and stops short. I yell out "STOP SIGN". He yells back "I was here first!"

Who had the right of way?

Edited by mojocho
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You had the right of way. It isn't "take a number".

Correct. Driver's Ed says stop for traffic, stop at the stop sign, stop at the intersection, and yield. Not stop once and blow everyone off. (and use your durn turn signal.)


Shoot, around this area, we're lucky if they stop at all. Blow right through.


Odd story... my neighbor saw a pickmeup coming up on a 4 way stop, that normally blows right through it. So what does he do? Runs the stop sign square in front of the dude. Not recommended, but effective...

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Shoot the gap!!!!! I probably wouldn't brag it was my second wreck. That must have been the second time his judgment sucked! Why would he try to go through so fast? Easy does it. Seemed like the car was checking to the right to get out if the way. Bikes fault from a-z

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IP, you seriously had me cracking up reading that rant. That's some good shit.

Dude one bike is a dumb ass for red lining through a conjested intersection like some fucking white knight who could do no wrong.

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Wow, just WOW! His bike was in working order before he inserted himself into a dangerous situation.


Impeding someone who was already in an intersection and is working to clear the intersection is not to occur. Adding traffic to an already occupied intersection is not recommended.


Honda boy was completely at fault. At fault for being impatient and for not being courteous.


He most likely spends a great amount of time biking alone. No sane person would travel with "Honda Kamikaze"

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Bike is at fault, of course!!!  The intersection has to clear out after a light change.  He obviously could see it wasn't clear not to mention the way he gunned it trying to squeeze through an intersection that was not empty.  What a dumbass!!!  This is what gives honest bikers a bad name.

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And another fucking thing. None of you Columbus living sunsabitches can drive worth a cocking fuck. Every goddamn time I ride my bike through Columbus, some self-righteous and equally oblivious fuckwad almost kills the shit out of me.

I've had one of you ignorant fucks LOOK STRAIGHT INTO MY EYES AND TURN RIGHT INTO ME on the freeway.

Looked. Right. At. Me.

And came over, anyway. Like I wasn't another human being whose life fucking mattered, in the slightest. Completely would not have fucking cared if I got hit at 60 mph.

Fuck Cockumbus and all who reside there.


it's so true, and i say that as someone that actually likes the place.

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