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Eating high fiber cereal for breakfast reduces risk of death by 19%... Wait, what?


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So I'm reading this article: http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/27/health/cereal-long-life/index.html


I get to the third paragraph:


Some scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health have been researching the impact of cereal fiber on diet for years. They found that people who reported in surveys a diet rich in cereal fiber lived longer than those who chose less well in the morning. They had a 19% reduced risk of death, compared to those who ate the least amount of cereal fiber.



So you're saying if I eat a high fiber cereal for breakfast every day I could have a 19% chance of not dying? I mean, isn't everyone's risk of death at 100%? 

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So I'm reading this article: http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/27/health/cereal-long-life/index.html


I get to the third paragraph:



So you're saying if I eat a high fiber cereal for breakfast every day I could have a 19% chance of not dying? I mean, isn't everyone's risk of death at 100%? 



some thing like mortality rate or death rate can be used to compare outcomes/ one among zillions these stats guys use.




for eg: No fiber diet people >> 50 death / 1000 no fiber guys


High fibre people >> only 31 death /1000 high fiber guys



they assume that its the high fiber that might have played a role to save some peeps



This is just my assumption on what they meant, and mostly I am wrong when I assume :D

Edited by NinjaDoc
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Scientifically speaking….



….statistical correlation….



….does NOT necessarily prove….



….causal relationship.



However, science has shown that a high fiber diet will make you poop more.  Fact.



So….larger, more frequent bowel movements equal 19% lower incidence of death?

Edited by Bubba
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There are crazy correlations that mean nothing. How many Crack heads eat a high fiber cereal? Most likely people who eat grape nuts every morning eat well in general.

You are so right. Check out this collection of spurious correlations.


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Well ya. High fiber usually means high carbohydrates. So eat your high fiber ceral so you constantly have blood sugar spikes, become diabetic and have to be on prescription drugs to stay alive. Makes sense.

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Well ya. High fiber usually means high carbohydrates. So eat your high fiber ceral so you constantly have blood sugar spikes, become diabetic and have to be on prescription drugs to stay alive. Makes sense.

Spoken like a true ignoramus.

Fiber isn't digested like carbs are. In fact, to get the net carbs of any particular food you subtract the fiber from the carbs. High fiber does not necessarily mean high carb. In fact, because I'm a diabetic and have to watch what I eat, the high fiber choices are lower carb. For instance, the giant eagle brand high fiber tortillas are 1 third the carbs of a regular flour tortilla.

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Spikes happen. If you knew dick about diabetes you'd know that your bg will spike even in non diabetics. Spikes trigger the pancreas to produce insulin and then bg goes down to normal in a non diabetic. Hour to hour or even day to day bg numbers aren't that important. What's important is the hba1c. The amount of glucose that builds up on your hemoglobin over the 3 month lifespan. See, it's not spikes that cause damage, it's chronic hba1c percentage above 7. That's what causes nerve, eye, kidney and arterial damage.

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Spikes happen. If you knew dick about diabetes you'd know that your bg will spike even in non diabetics. Spikes trigger the pancreas to produce insulin and then bg goes down to normal in a non diabetic. Hour to hour or even day to day bg numbers aren't that important. What's important is the hba1c. The amount of glucose that builds up on your hemoglobin over the 3 month lifespan. See, it's not spikes that cause damage, it's chronic hba1c percentage above 7. That's what causes nerve, eye, kidney and arterial damage.

Where did your patience with obstinate overreach all of a sudden come from? Are we going to have to stage an OR intervention on you CSC??

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