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Baltimore Riots


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Flying into Baltimore in 14 hours for work... 10 days in paradise.

Maybe my Camden yards hotel will have a picturesque view of the city in flames. I'll post some shots if so. :|

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Flying into Baltimore in 14 hours for work... 10 days in paradise.

Maybe my Camden yards hotel will have a picturesque view of the city in flames. I'll post some shots if so. :|

Well that sucks. I had to go to Dallas the day after the nurse tested positive for Ebola. People were freaking out. Probably the emptiest flight I've ever been on.

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Anyone else see the video of the rioter getting his ass beat by his mom?



Yeah, fox 8 is calling her the mom of the year.


How about they raise their kids better than to participate in the riots to begin with?

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maybe the police are products of their environment.



And the rioters are not? They are at least fourth generation of poverty. I call it Generational Institutionalized Poverty.  GIP. There is no one left in the hood that has the slightest idea what working hard and/or getting educated means. You look at them and tell them they need to succeed they have no f'ing idea what that means. Their parents don't know, their grandparents don't know...it's too many generations removed from them. They have never seen it, they don't know anyone that has ever seen it either.


Yea, yea...they have no fathers. But again, it's been that way for generations. Their mother didn't have a father either.  We have a student here whose dad is in prison, and her mom just died from a heroin overdose. WTF chance does that girl have?



I don't know what the answer is but the cops beating the shit out of them and killing them isn't the answer, nor is rioting. But I honestly don't blame them for burning the f'er down. I probably would too. So would pretty much everyone here. We just wouldn't take it.

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And the rioters are not? They are at least fourth generation of poverty. I call it Generational Institutionalized Poverty.  GIP. There is no one left in the hood that has the slightest idea what working hard and/or getting educated means. You look at them and tell them they need to succeed they have no f'ing idea what that means. Their parents don't know, their grandparents don't know...it's too many generations removed from them. They have never seen it, they don't know anyone that has ever seen it either.


Yea, yea...they have no fathers. But again, it's been that way for generations. Their mother didn't have a father either.  We have a student here whose dad is in prison, and her mom just died from a heroin overdose. WTF chance does that girl have?



I don't know what the answer is but the cops beating the shit out of them and killing them isn't the answer, nor is rioting. But I honestly don't blame them for burning the f'er down. I probably would too. So would pretty much everyone here. We just wouldn't take it.

Reasons are not justifications and I don't think Tonik is justifying. A good point is made here. Doesn't it make it right or ok, but the root cause analysis is sound.

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cops beating the shit out of them and killing them isn't the answer

That's a bit early to claim. We don't know why he was even apprehended, or what his history is yet. A big jump to lynch reporters with bricks and burn the city down.

The only injury on autopsy is the broken spine. He was conscious when he went into the van, tired from a chase,struggle and.being submitted yes. It looks to me twice in the video he actually moves his legs under himself. It's not uncommon for suspects or children to go ragdoll when forced to move. It's still possible he threw a fit in the van with metal benches while it was moving and had a self inflicted injury. There's countless videos of people in the back of cop cars slamming their own head against the window? Why? F if I know but I've seen the evidence and it is possible that's what happened here.

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Reasons are not justifications and I don't think Tonik is justifying. A good point is made here. Doesn't it make it right or ok, but the root cause analysis is sound.

Then Considering the root cause with a population that is not effected by any leverage tactic or awareness to better themselves, spay or neuter to break the generation change. Mandatory temporary birth control shots if you want your free government aid.
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The shop owners need to rent some roof Koreans from LA.


I heard at least one shop owner had a "plainclothed security guard" with a shotgun in the window to dissuade looters.  It's what I would have done, but balsy move.  It is Maryland after all - if you nicked someone over property, especially if there was a racial difference, you could spark an even bigger riot and get yourself killed or landed in jail for life.

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Tonik was talking about institutionalized poverty. Not racism. I think institutionalized racism is bullshit too, just wanted to clarify.


I believe you lean independent and libertarian and don't seem to have trouble questioning things on both side.  That's great, but not everyone thinks that way, or has the examples and fundamentals to be able to think that way.


Humans internalize behavior of those around them, particularly during teen years while growing into adults.  Like with Tonik's post, that's not justification for shitty behavior and values, but an analytical reflection of how humans learn and repeat past behavior.  If all you know is generations of unemployment, disregard for other's investment, hard work and property, poor parenting, drugs, violence, hyper-sexualized materialism and proud stupidity, it's almost impossible to strike a totally different lifestyle on your own behalf and become a success.  Some do it, but it's rare.  It's how disadvantaged youth becomes destructive and disengaged adults, perpetuating yet another cycle of poverty and social non-productivity.  That's what "institutionalized" refers to.


It's both things: NONE of the looting and burning and hose-stabbing or anything else illegal last night is remotely justifiable.  Those people are thugs, opportunists and scourges on society.  That's what conservatives understand very well.  At the same time, there are factors, many of them political and capitalistic, that have created that fertile bed for this disease to grow.  It's what liberals understand.  Both are valid perspectives and I don't trust anyone who negates one for the other, as it speaks about their own inability to creatively problem-solve and not what's being described.

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You trolling Tonik?



Not this time, for a change.  I am pointing out that people here are addressing the rioting which is a symptom of the underlying problem. The cops beating the people is also a symptom, not the underlying problem.  Both are wrong, but we need to stop the cycle of poverty and hopelessness that put Baltimore in this situation.


If we don't fix the problem it will happen again and again as we can clearly see from history.



That's a bit early to claim. We don't know why he was even apprehended, or what his history is yet. A big jump to lynch reporters with bricks and burn the city down.

The only injury on autopsy is the broken spine. He was conscious when he went into the van, tired from a chase,struggle and.being submitted yes. It looks to me twice in the video he actually moves his legs under himself. It's not uncommon for suspects or children to go ragdoll when forced to move. It's still possible he threw a fit in the van with metal benches while it was moving and had a self inflicted injury. There's countless videos of people in the back of cop cars slamming their own head against the window? Why? F if I know but I've seen the evidence and it is possible that's what happened here.


Not a claim, it's a fact.  I wasn't talking about what happened to just one guy, I am talking about a pattern of abuse by the Baltimore Police. It is a well documented fact. Look at my link in my earlier post, it is from before any of this happened. Google Baltimore Police abuse.


It's a chicken and egg debate that does not matter, if we don't fix the poverty it will be an unending cycle.

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I believe you lean independent and libertarian and don't seem to have trouble questioning things on both side.  That's great, but not everyone thinks that way, or has the examples and fundamentals to be able to think that way.


Humans internalize behavior of those around them, particularly during teen years while growing into adults.  Like with Tonik's post, that's not justification for shitty behavior and values, but an analytical reflection of how humans learn and repeat past behavior.  If all you know is generations of unemployment, disregard for other's investment, hard work and property, poor parenting, drugs, violence, hyper-sexualized materialism and proud stupidity, it's almost impossible to strike a totally different lifestyle on your own behalf and become a success.  Some do it, but it's rare.  It's how disadvantaged youth becomes destructive and disengaged adults, perpetuating yet another cycle of poverty and social non-productivity.  That's what "institutionalized" refers to.


It's both things: NONE of the looting and burning and hose-stabbing or anything else illegal last night is remotely justifiable.  Those people are thugs, opportunists and scourges on society.  That's what conservatives understand very well.  At the same time, there are factors, many of them political and capitalistic, that have created that fertile bed for this disease to grow.  It's what liberals understand.  Both are valid perspectives and I don't trust anyone who negates one for the other, as it speaks about their own inability to creatively problem-solve and not what's being described.



Post of the Year.



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I'm not going to "poo poo" the principle of institutionalized poverty, but I still don't think that's an excuse or a justification for rioting and looting - and I don't get the impression that your average black citizen of Baltimore does either.


Shit's getting bad, but how many people are responsible?  I'd put the number at a few thousand.  So yeah, you've got a high-school's worth of idiots making every other person who's pissed off a black man died in police custody look bad... 

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Thug lifestyle, gangs, drugs and alcohol, break down of the American family, "not wanting to work".....blaming society and living in the past, race baiting and overall playing the blame game. Yup there is the problem in a nutshell, so until the perception of many and the statistics swing in a different direction......it is what it is. Blame the po po all you want, stupid hurts and continuing to break the law and acting like a fool, is going to get the attention of the police every single time. A rap sheet is a rap sheet, and many work very hard at building it up. Yup police can get aggressive and obviously screw up, but can you blame them.....do YOU want their job dealing with the dregs and damaged goods of society? Stop making excuses for so many punks out there, plenty of non white folks get a long just fine with whitey and we all live and work in harmony.

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