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Clutch pull in 1st


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Alright, guys. Here with another idiotic question. My bike doesn't "pull" me in first gear when I ease off the clutch unless I give it some throttle. While I openly admit to my noob status, I feel this isn't normal. I've been on 2 or 3 other bikes (much smaller than my own) and when you ease off the clutch it takes you without any throttle. Mine isn't horrible, and I've definitely got a feel for it now. It just makes low speed maneuvering a bit of a pain comparatively. Is this just a bigger bike problem (750cc) or can it be adjusted? I've tweaked the cable in and out for weeks bit by bit and am finally comfortable with the reach. Please advise this padawan.

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Okay, I figured it was a simple this bike does or doesn't. But wanted to clarify. The bikes I learned on did, and my 750 won't. Like I said, I've found the balance and am comfortable with it, i just feel like my takeoff could be more smooth if it pulled without throttle.

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My 919 has so much torque I can just pop the clutch at idle and lump lump away. I find that humorous. Any other bike I've had would just stall out.

You sure your clutch isn't slipping?

I can move the katana around the garage and driveway without giving it throttle, but I don't just drop the clutch...

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You sure your clutch isn't slipping?

I can move the katana around the garage and driveway without giving it throttle, but I don't just drop the clutch...

well, thinking about it, a sudden release of clutch stalls. A slow normal release moves away at idle.

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I'd guess twins would have the torque to leave at idle, and my SMC does too but 1st gear on it is like a tractor in granny gear.

My 14 idles at 1100, and it wont leave at idle - always have to twist it a couple hundred R's so it will move without stalling. But those 2 comparisons are like apples to grapes since the 14 has a looong 1st gear.

Either way, I never leave at idle no matter what I'm riding. A little twist with simultaneous clutch engagement is the right way

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