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Dirt Bags at it again in Texas


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Local news seems to be the most informed. Full load of stupid.


UPDATE, 6:00 p.m.: Waco police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said part of the altercation that preceded Sunday’s biker gang shooting at Twin Peaks started in a restroom, spilled into bar, then into the parking lot.

At least two of the gangs were trying to do some recruiting in the area Sunday, and Twin Peaks was a known place for that kind of activity, Swanton said. Multiple law enforcement sources confirmed that the Bandidos and Cossacks biker gangs were at the center of the incident.

“In 34 years of law enforcement, this is the most violent crime scene I have ever been involved in,” Swanton said.

“There is blood everywhere. We will probably approach the number of 100 weapons.”

“What happened here today could have been avoided ... They failed and this is what happened,” referring to the Twin Peaks local management.

“Next door were families dining in Don Carlos,” he added. “Twenty-five feet away there were families.”

Swanton continued, “This is one of the worst gun fights we’ve ever had in the city limits. They started shooting at our officers.”

He added, “None of our innocent civilians were injured today in this melee.”

Officials are interviewing people of interest in multiple areas, he said, and while there are no other active crime scenes, there have been scuffles and disturbances throughout the city.

“The unfortunate side of gangs such as these is that they work intel just like we do,” he said.

Central Texas Marketplace was closed entirely Sunday because of additional bikers coming to the scene, including the three arrested earlier.

UPDATE, 5:00 p.m.: Officials are hearing reports and seeing evidence of many biker gang members coming into town from throughout the state. In response, police are moving some witnesses to a secure location, said Waco police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton.

Multiple police sources confirmed that the Bandidos and Cossacks biker gangs were involved in Sunday’s shooting.

Swanton said police have also stepped up the law enforcement presence in the area, but won’t say what else officials are doing to prepare.

At least 18 people are confirmed injured, in addition to the nine confirmed dead. Most of the injured have gunshot or stab wounds, and some have suffered both. Some of those injured have been transferred to other hospitals for their own safety, Swanton said.

Swanton added officials are in the process of shutting down all of Central Texas Marketplace.

“We don’t feel it is safe to keep these businesses open,” Swanton said.

Three additional biker gang members were arrested with weapons and taken to the McLennan County Jail on charges of engaging in organized crime. The sergeant said police will charge suspects with the most severe charges possible.

There are still a large number of people being detained, he noted.

“This is not something we’re playing around with,” Swanton said. “This is a major crime scene. ... It is a pretty gruesome scene.”

UPDATE, 4:00 p.m.: At least nine people are confirmed dead in a shooting around noon Sunday at Twin Peaks restaurant, said Waco police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton.

All of the fatalities are members of biker gangs. No patrons, servers or law enforcement officials were killed, Swanton said.

There is a very significant increase in law enforcement in McLennan County right now, Swanton said. Local, county, state and federal agencies are involved in investigations into the biker gangs.

DPS and intelligence agents were working on the investigation long before today and Waco police have been aware of the inquest for more than a month, said Swanton.

Twin Peaks and Don Carlos were closed down after the shooting, and witnesses are being questioned on the scene and at the police department, according to the sergeant.

“The management wanted them here,” Swanton said of Twin Peaks officials. “Management knew that there were issues, and we were here, but they continued to let those groups of people into their business.”

Brad Doan, general manager of the Twin Peaks at Central Texas Marketplace, said the restaurant did not have an immediate statement in response to the shootings or Swanton’s claim that Twin Peaks was not cooperative with police until after Sunday’s shootings. Doan referred all questions to Twin Peaks’ corporate management. They were unable to be immediately reached Sunday afternoon.

Numerous people have been detained, but it is not clear how many people have been taken into custody.

“A lot of innocent people could have been injured today,” Swanton said. “These are very dangerous, hostile criminal biker gangs.”

There were at least three rival gangs on the scene when the shooting occurred, Swanton said, though he did not immediately provide the names of the gangs.

At least 12 Waco officers, including a SWAT team, and other DPS troopers were at Twin Peaks or in the immediate area when the incident broke out.

Waco police officers moved in and did fire rounds during the incident, Swanton said, praising their quick response.

“Their action has saved lives by keeping this from spilling into a busy Sunday morning,” he said.

Eight people were confirmed dead on the scene and one other at the hospital, Swanton added.

Helicopters continued to fly overhead about 4 p.m., and officials asked citizens not to come near the area.

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People take their Sons of Anarchy fanship just a touch too serious. What a putrid culture.


I was gonna post that this news article makes me want to start SOA from the beginning.  


Lets put five biker gangs in the same room and see what happens. 

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if you can stomach the author's inflated ego, "No Angel" by Jay Dobyns is a quick read and gives some interesting insight into the "outlaw MC" culture. (in Mr. Dobyn's defense, he ghost-wrote the book, so I can't say for certain that it's his ego, and not the persona the co-author gives the 'character.'  I enjoyed the book quite a bit.)


The cliff-notes version is:


- motorcycle gangs are exactly as pointless as we think they are.

- they take themselves so seriously that it's laughable.  The feuds between clubs have no basis or root.  They just hate each other and talk about killing each other.  I'm relatively surprised anyone in this scenario actually pulled the trigger, but once someone does...

- 90% of their criminal activity is illegal gun sales and drugs (but nowhere near the scale of SOA type shit.  We're talking buy 4 or 5 guns private party, and sell them at a small mark-up to felons who can't get them legally.  And you'll likely have some small-time dealers doing local business.)

- all of the members need to have day-jobs.  Being a full-time outlaw isn't practical or profitable.

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And adding to the list:

- The culture is rooted in post-war brother-in-arms independence-gone-awry fantasy, because how else can you recreate a battlefield-level of brotherhood?  Fallen soldiers are very much part of the ethos.  Reputation & respect are valued above all else

- Misogyny and racism are core values


I wonder how much MORE money the Banditos and Cossacks could make if they curtailed their illegal activities and worked together to make-believe rivalry (with an occasional light stabbing and broken bones for realism).  They'd surely get a TV show and several spin-offs.  And book deals written by low-cost phantom writers of course, and speaking tours at biker rallies.  If pro wrestling can do it...

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Sounds like a LEO club was involved in this also. Team LEO came better prepared for the turkey shoot they already had snipers on surrounding buildings before any of the other clubs arrived. It wont surprise me if it come out most of the shootings were by the police.

Edited by HeavyDuty
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I have heard from local friends in Law Enforcement, there were many officers and SWAT in the immediate vicinity of the restaurant way before the perps showed up.

The police can only interfere when a law has been broken, so the impending fight/shoot-out (whatever you want to call it...I like fuster-cluck) actually occurred.  Once it did, the LEO's came in hot and heavy, and IMHO reduced the number of lives lost.


This is a sad situation that many in the media are going to blow up to suit their own agendas, i.e. - I've already seen the media comparisons to Boston, etc.

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#BikerLivesMatter    #NoJusticeNoPeace


Exactly.  Just because someone wears the same clothes every day under hot leather and doesn't groom themselves and actively creates situations that require inflated egos to demonstrate undying loyalty and discards the notion of motorcycle safety and has a reputation for engaging in illegal trade and treats women like servants, doesn't mean they're worth any less than the rest of us...

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In day's long past the COC was a place where everybody knew it was "hands off". Clubs put differences aside and discussed important issues but times are changing and the members of today don't follow the same rules they did years gone by.

My guess is when the fighting started members pulled their guns to protect their leadership and get them out of the bar and they were shot by the cops as they left


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How did 22 police officers arrest 170 so called gang members? They just stand around and wait to be arrested?

My thought too. I've seen enough SOA to know that high speed Harley chases are quite common.

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My thought too. I've seen enough SOA to know that high speed Harley chases are quite common.

Very true, as would be Real IRA involvement, at least in the pronunciation of guunce. You know, the movement of guunce for club money.

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After witnessing 7 head shots I am would think most anyone would cooperate.


I have a new theory on what happened with HD's new info.  2 asshats shot each other, then a bunch of law abiding motorcyclists pulled their weapons to defend themselves. I would certainly do the same. Cops declared open season on bikers and fired off 7 head shots from their safe sniper positions across the street. They will be cleared of any wrongdoing as they always are.


#BikerLivesMatter  #NoJusticeNoPeace

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I'm starting to see 1%ers with "if you weren't there, you don't know what you're talking about, so keep your mouth shut" sentiment in other forums I visit. No snitching, is how I interpret that.

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