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Dirt Bags at it again in Texas


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I'm starting to see 1%ers with "if you weren't there, you don't know what you're talking about, so keep your mouth shut" sentiment in other forums I visit. No snitching, is how I interpret that.



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Sounds like a LEO club was involved in this also. Team LEO came better prepared for the turkey shoot they already had snipers on surrounding buildings before any of the other clubs arrived. It wont surprise me if it come out most of the shootings were by the police.


Could the uninvited biker group that is mentioned in your article and one of my posts Be one and the same I will not mention the group on line but I have been around them they are arrogant and total asshats if you do not kiss their asses or give them any shit over how their drunken asses are acting you will end up with and asswhipping and spend a few nights in jail. I leave any time they show up. Is is also funny that not a one of them got arrested.

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The Purple Heart vet that was killed by a sniper both he and his wife were members of COIR, coalition of independent riders, a national grass roots biker organization focused on rights. He was not wearing a patch. He was not a member of the Banditos or Crosslocks or any other 1% club. So another lie has come to light. So many people were swept up in this, Christian riding groups, Mom & Pop groups, Veteran's groups, etc. etc. Most will sit in jail until bail reduction hearings can be set up maybe months. The only people that walked away were from the uninvited club.

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