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Undercover Motorcycle Cop Pulling Over Phone Users


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Sort of wish they'd do that here... However, where do they draw the line? I have a phone cradle and use my phone for both navigation and music in my car via Bluetooth. Sometimes at stop lights, etc I will change music, switch from nav to music app and back, etc, but I never text. Just a few button presses and I keep attention if the light changes. I wonder if they'd ticket for that in a scenario like this. If so, I think that's a little over zealous because it's no different than changing the radio/CD track or using the touch screen in your car.


There are things people can do while driving that are just as much, or more distracting than using/looking at their phone (women putting on makeup, eating, etc). Not defending it at all, and I've been rear ended in my car at a stop light by an uninsured driver that was texting, but there is a fine line.

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How big is the problem?

Copied from the CDC web site.

•In 2012, 3,328 people were killed in crashes involving a distracted driver, compared to 3,360 in 2011. An additional, 421,000 people were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving a distracted driver in 2012, a 9% increase from the 387,000 people injured in 2011.1

•In 2011, nearly one in five crashes (17%) in which someone was injured involved distracted driving.2

•In December 2012, more than 171 billion text messages were sent or received in the US

Edited by HeavyDuty
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Texting isn't even a primary offence in Ohio under the current "ban". Though another legislator has proposed more legislature that make it one. So they have to hit a motorcyclist or something first then can be given the fine for having been texting


I don't know that he's "undercover" unmarked maybe.

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The Harley pigs the Leos ride stateside would never fit between the cars.


Not sure the UK bike cops are any thinner...






Obviously I'm only talking about the bikes...



There is a clear difference in philosophy on visibility too.

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All the cops out here are on St1300s... DPS at least... City cops I've seen with Concourses, STs, and rarely you will see a Victory or Harley (I've never seen the Victory or HD but I've seen pics so I know there's a couple lurking around)

Edited by Steve Butters
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