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San Bernardino Shooting


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I was surprised as well, 5 hours ago. Last I heard, via scanner, 2 perps killed, one, was,  breathing in the back of the suv, laying on their back holding an AR15 against their chest, one on the loose. Pipe bomb found some other location. Not yet named as ISIS related. Although our Commander and Chief post turtle spy is already touting more gun control. ISIS would love to disarm us. Might not be towel heads. I guess one perp is/was a women.

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All the facts are not known yet, but I have not heard of any connection to ISIS.  The two shooters that were killed were Muslim though.


"The San Bernardino shooters who were killed by police, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, have been identified by law enforcement as a Muslim husband and wife team who began their day by dropping their 6–month–old baby at a family member’s home, saying they were headed out to a doctor’s appointment."


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Syed Farook,Tashfeen Malik, his wife and his brother. All local talent, US citizens.

Assault rifles, body Armour, extra magazines, pipe bombs, organized attacks.

Middle east travelers to visit warzones in the past. Devout Muslims.



Seems the media has hit all the high points.


Cue the media circus.

Now for the standard reactions from the media pundants and politicians.

Today's TV is making this the fault of the NRA somehow.

Obama's immigration policy just took a hit. Trump just got a boost.

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Maybe it hasn't been posted because most people know that it will be the same people posting the same stuff that's been posted in every thread like this one.



Everyone loses and its the same people saying the same shit over and over. People can yap on here and facebook and spew their grossly uneducated opinions and what does that change except wasting time really?

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Everyone loses and its the same people saying the same shit over and over. People can yap on here and facebook and spew their grossly uneducated opinions and what does that change except wasting time really?

True for most non factual discussion threads. Surprize. Except maybe Recon's posts.

"Neighbors of the Muslims that shot all those people saw many suspicious activities at the shooters house including multiple Muslim men coming and going in groups. Said they didn't want to report to police for fear of being accused of being islamiphobic! This is what the PC world and media does! These people could have been stopped but people were afraid to say anything !!

Btw. What mosque did this guy go to? It is about Islam..."

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the news is killing me with this story.  "we can't confirm yet that this is an act of terror."  Really?  What hte fuck else would you call it?  I don't care if it's a disgruntled employee or an ISIS sleeper cell.  I don't care if it's a white christian, or a brown muslim.  When did "terrorism" stop being an action, and become a motive? 


We cannot detect and punish motivations.  We can react appropriately to unacceptable actions.  The problem is that we can't seem to agree on what an appropriate reaction is.


I had to get off Facebook to avoid engaging the people trying to make this into a gun debate.  I don't know anyone who thinks that unprovoked violence is acceptable.  The need to insert the word "gun" in front of "violence" seems superfluous.

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the news is killing me with this story.  "we can't confirm yet that this is an act of terror."  Really?  What hte fuck else would you call it?  I don't care if it's a disgruntled employee or an ISIS sleeper cell.  I don't care if it's a white christian, or a brown muslim.  When did "terrorism" stop being an action, and become a motive? 


We cannot detect and punish motivations.  We can react appropriately to unacceptable actions.  The problem is that we can't seem to agree on what an appropriate reaction is.


I had to get off Facebook to avoid engaging the people trying to make this into a gun debate.  I don't know anyone who thinks that unprovoked violence is acceptable.  The need to insert the word "gun" in front of "violence" seems superfluous.


The FBI uses this definition:"Terrorism is the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives." The U.S. Department of State defines terrorism to be "premeditated politically-motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience".


Motive is a huge factor.

If it's a disgruntled employee, I would call it a mass murder.

If it was part of a larger agenda, then I would call it an act of terror.

Edited by Tpoppa
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Then i disagree with the FBI's definition.  Isn't the definition inconsequential though?   The action remains the only thing you can prevent, react to, or punish.

No offense, but it strikes me as odd that a lawyer doesn't think that "motive" is a factor in categorizing a crime.


What is the difference between involuntary & voluntary manslaughter...or murder?  What makes something a hate crime?  Motive is a major consideration.


I get your point that at the end of the day 14 (or so) people are dead...so what is the difference?   The difference for terrorism is how US Intelligence would attempt to identify, prevent, and counter.

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