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Hey Chris. (fake internet lawyers can also respond)


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This is from an appeal.  Did someone get costs here:


"It is ordered that appellees recover of appellant costs herein taxed."


And if so, the dude that appealed (and lost) or the people that defended the original decision?

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ha - that's probably a screw-up by whoever wrote the judgment entry, but the judge just signed it without noticing.  One of our magistrates has the same first name as me, and he once signed an entry listing ME as magistrate.


The appellant is the party who filed the appeal.  The appellee is whoever responded.


IF that is correctly stated, and not an oversight, then it sounds like the party who filed the appeal has been ordered to pay the costs of the party who responded. 

Edited by redkow97
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Thanks, I hope so. That would be so epic.  This is the case:




Cuyahoga County Court


Attached is a PDF of the opinion.  That part is at the end as I am sure you know.  Interesting line there too....


The court finds there were reasonable grounds for this appeal.


If it was reasonable would they give costs.


The suit was total BS, but very interesting to watch.  The ex mayor of my city started this giant police investigation about people that said mean things about him online.  Police said it wasn't a crime to call him an asshat.  Then the whole thing went public...someone did a records request on the police report.


He claimed that it was confidential, which it wasn't of course, and sued the city and got his hat handed to him.


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The court finds there were reasonable grounds for this appeal.


If it was reasonable would they give costs.



That's very standard language that usually makes its way into every single decision.  Could have been left in by mistake - or not.  The judge would have to explain it to be sure.

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