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Remove Quicktime


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If you have Quicktime on a Windows machine remove it.

There have been some big vuln's around since at least November.  Apple is refusing to fix them and is refusing to discontinue the software.  They are being real dickheads about the whole thing.

You don't need it anyway.

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I wouldn't say they're being dicks about it. They're just no longer supporting it. 



The retirement of QuickTime for Windows has been in the planning stages for at least a few months, and possibly much longer. Apple has never supported QuickTime for Windows 8 or 10, although some users found ways to work around the restriction. What's more, the January update removed the browser plugin for QuickTime, making it impossible for video on websites to seamlessly play in a user's browser. As a result, there's little chance QuickTime vulnerabilities could be harnessed into a drive-by download exploit. Instead, exploits would have to rely on social engineering that convinces a user to download a video and open it in QuickTime.


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3 minutes ago, Casper said:

I wouldn't say they're being dicks about it. They're just no longer supporting it. 



Then they should announce that and remove the download. They haven't even acknowledge the vuln or that they are not patching anymore.  And they released that January update knowing about this vuln. Zero fucks are being given here by Apple.

And the quote that this isn't an easy drive by is total bullshit.

Dick was actually an understatement, irresponsible fuckheads would be more accurate.

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25 minutes ago, Tonik said:


Then they should announce that and remove the download. They haven't even acknowledge the vuln or that they are not patching anymore.  And they released that January update knowing about this vuln. Zero fucks are being given here by Apple.

And the quote that this isn't an easy drive by is total bullshit.

Dick was actually an understatement, irresponsible fuckheads would be more accurate.

Relatively speaking, this is pretty minor really. At least in my opinion. But I don't know anyone who's used Quicktime on Windows in 5-10 years. 

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Just now, Casper said:

Relatively speaking, this is pretty minor really. At least in my opinion. But I don't know anyone who's used Quicktime on Windows in 5-10 years. 

If no one is using it then why not EOL it?

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47 minutes ago, Tonik said:

If no one is using it then why not EOL it?

I was under the impression that was basically what's happened. It hasn't been supported on Windows 8+, and they're no longer releasing security updates for it. So we're talking about Windows 7 and older. Isn't that end of life? 

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We’re putting the word out that everyone should follow Apple’s guidance and uninstall QuickTime for Windows as soon as possible.

This is for two reasons.

First, Apple is deprecating QuickTime for Microsoft Windows. They will no longer be issuing security updates for the product on the Windows Platform and recommend users uninstall it. Note that this does not apply to QuickTime on Mac OSX.

Second, our Zero Day Initiative has just released two advisories ZDI-16-241 and ZDI-16-242 detailing two new, critical vulnerabilities affecting QuickTime for Windows. These advisories are being released in accordance with the Zero Day Initiative’s Disclosure Policy for when a vendor does not issue a security patch for a disclosed vulnerability. And because Apple is no longer providing security updates for QuickTime on Windows, these vulnerabilities are never going to be patched.

So Apple is recommending you uninstall Quicktime for Windows as soon as possible, and they're saying they're deprecating it. I'm confused why your panties are in a twist. Is their more to the story?

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1 hour ago, Casper said:

I was under the impression that was basically what's happened. It hasn't been supported on Windows 8+, and they're no longer releasing security updates for it. So we're talking about Windows 7 and older. Isn't that end of life? 


Windows 7 is not EOL, it is supported until 2020 for security and critical updates.  You can still buy computers with it on until October and you can still install Quicktime on them. And it installs just fine on 8 and 10 if you go to apples website and click install. Which is where you will be directed if you visit a page that has quicktime content on it.


1 hour ago, Casper said:


So Apple is recommending you uninstall Quicktime for Windows as soon as possible

No, Apple is not recommending you uninstall it. Again, Apple isn't saying jack.  Trend and DHS are saying that.  The support page that Apple put up in March says 'If you don't need Quicktime anymore this is how you uninstall it'.  No mention that it was depreciated, or EOL. No mention of the security vuln.

EOL means you announce it is end of life, that it is no longer supported and you remove it from your damn website. You don't leave it up there AT ALL for any regular user to install, let alone with no warning.  That is extremely irresponsible, I am very baffled that you don't see it that way. Very baffled.

They are publishing and distributing unsupported code with reasonably bad vulns.  How is that not irresponsible?

That is why my panties are in a twist.

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31 minutes ago, Tonik said:


Windows 7 is not EOL, it is supported until 2020 for security and critical updates.  You can still buy computers with it on until October and you can still install Quicktime on them. And it installs just fine on 8 and 10 if you go to apples website and click install. Which is where you will be directed if you visit a page that has quicktime content on it.


No, Apple is not recommending you uninstall it. Again, Apple isn't saying jack.  Trend and DHS are saying that.  The support page that Apple put up in March says 'If you don't need Quicktime anymore this is how you uninstall it'.  No mention that it was depreciated, or EOL. No mention of the security vuln.

EOL means you announce it is end of life, that it is no longer supported and you remove it from your damn website. You don't leave it up there AT ALL for any regular user to install, let alone with no warning.  That is extremely irresponsible, I am very baffled that you don't see it that way. Very baffled.

They are publishing and distributing unsupported code with reasonably bad vulns.  How is that not irresponsible?

That is why my panties are in a twist.

I was quoting Trend Micro's article. They said Apple recommends uninstalling it. 

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2 minutes ago, Casper said:

I was quoting Trend Micro's article. They said Apple recommends uninstalling it. 

Cool, now that you under stand the facts do you still think Apple is correct in the way they are handling it?

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