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Post accident success stories.


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A coworker was in a horrible motorcycle accident tried to take a SUV on head on. He has been in a coma for the last week. Was up and alert until Sunday before last when he started to have mini strokes from having a few broken bones. He actually fared pretty good for the accident. 


I would like to be able to tell the family some good stories so they can have more hope than they already do. This would also help us coworkers. As always thoughts and prayers to help this kid out of his situation. 



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My uncle was involved in a head on accident with a van. He broke his back in 3 places as well as a collapsed lung, several broken ribs, and internal bleeding. Recovery was almost a year, but he is now healthy and riding more than ever. Prayers for your friend and his family.

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My wife's uncle was T boned by a pick up that blew a red light a couple years ago and he was in his late 60s. He was in really bad shape and after almost a year he was back to normal with minimal side effects. 

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About 12 years ago, my wife was learning to ride. Bought a new Suzuki Intruder 800, took the MSF class and her and I would ride to a local parking lot where she could sharpen her skills. After many hours and a few hundred miles on the bike we decided to take a scenic ride past a local park. It has a somewhat windy road and relatively low speed limits. We were riding along fine and I was ahead of her maybe 7 or 8 car lengths. We were doing 25-30mph. I took a relatively sharp curve and proceeded ahead where I passed an oncoming car, as I crested a hill and tried to watch her in the mirror as I had a bad feeling but lost sight of her as I went down the hill. Then I swear I heard a loud crunch (with the noise of the bike, wind, and distance, it was probably in my head). I instantly let off the gas and slowed, watching to see if she came over the hill. She didn't and my heart sunk.

I quickly went back to find her lying in the road, slightly moving and her bike lying in pieces next to her. The car had hit a very large tree on the side of the road. She was fully geared up and I knelt beside her as told her not to move. I didn't remove her helmet. I asked her where she was feeling pain and she said it really hurt to move her legs so I told her to lay still. I thought she may have broken one or more of her legs. I quickly checked with the drive who was OK. Apparently she target fixated on the car and headed right for it. The driver swerved to miss her but she caught the front corner of the car. This is how he ended up into the tree. Police, etc were called and while we waited I attempted to call our insurance company. I quickly lost patience with them as they proceeded to ask me stupid questions that they should already know like my address so I told them I'd call back (this was Progressive who was very good to deal with on the claims/medical expenses).

She was taken to the University of Cincinnati hospital where they found she had an open book pelvic fracture (basically snapper her pelvis in half). Luckily, one of the nation's top pelvic injury doctor happens to be at UC and took care of her. He told me she was very luckily as a lot of people with this injury die because the sharp bone breaks can sever the arteries that run through the pelvis and they die from internal bleeding. At this point, I felt like an ass for being on the phone with the phone company rather than staying with her on the ground we she may have been dying.

Long story short, she was really otherwise unscathed because she was fully geared up and was only going about 20-25mph at the time. Even so, her helmet was destroyed...the chin bar and side of the helmet were gouged heavily and the face shield had been torn off. Had she not been wearing a helmet, it would've been much, much worse. She also has a puncture wound on her arm where a piece of metal poked through the jacket just outside of the armor but that was very minor. No road rash or anything. It was a long recovery which included time at a rehab facility, wheelchair and cane use. She's 100% recovered though she still has some lingering aches etc like anyone who has had bone injuries.

She really has no desire to ride (except as a passenger) anymore but she does actually think she would like something like a Can-Am.

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