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During a visit from the family...


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Probably only the folks from the New England states will understand this, but I’ll share anyway.   

A few weekends ago, we hosted a high school graduation party for my daughter.   For the first time in 23 years, my entire family traveled out from Massachusetts.     Even though it’s been over 2 decades since I moved West, I continually take crap from my family members because I moved to BFE Ohio, have guns, ride motorcycles, vote conservative, etc…

My parents arrived at my house right after I had rode home from work, just in time to see me getting off the bike.

Expecting to get another lengthy scolding on how dangerous motorcycles are, or that I am being selfish and not thinking of my kids, or that I’m setting a bad example; my mother simply looked at the bike, and the helmet and jacket hung over the handle bars and said, “Well, ahm glad you weah geah.”

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So now that you live in Ohio, do you get to call them Massholes when they give you a hard time? :)

I'm from upstate NY originally and travel to Boston multiple times a year for work. My sister-in-law is from the Boston area and the last time I was up there I got her a shirt that has an image of a lobster on it and says "Keep cahm and pass the buttah"

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