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Lane Splitting Is Now A 'Thing'

Strictly Street

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For decades, California has been the only state that allows lane-splitting, but not because it’s “legal” – it has always existed in a gray area of the law, and exists just as an accepted practice there. Now, lawmakers are finally putting lane-splitting on the books – but could the same happen in other states in the future?


On August 5th, 2016, after spending nearly a year and a half being bounced around in California’s state legislature, AB 51 - a bill codifying the practice of lane-splitting by motorcycles - was approved by a unanimous vote of 69-0 by the state Assembly. The bill now sits on Governor Brown’s desk, where it is expected that it will soon be signed into law.

Now at a glance, the passing of AB 51 may not seem like a big deal. It doesn’t set any parameters for what constitutes legal or illegal lane-splitting, or specify any punishments for breaking them. In fact, AB 51 is odd because, basically, all it does is say “lane splitting is officially a thing.” Check out the exact text of the law below, as it was published on the California Legistative Information web site.



More here: http://www.bikebandit.com/blog/post/california-legislature-unanimously-approves-lane-splitting-bill?roi=echo3-36540337946-36957027-97dcf859fa49f18172051680e76614ad&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=content_BBNews0814&utm_source=Sun_081416_BBNews&utm_content=ca_approves_lane_splitting

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I've done this in kaliforny. It will really teach you how to drive defensive. Some riders take it too far though splitting at a high delta. It's ingrained in drivers minds there and that makes it work. Most drivers are courteous about it and will move over slightly to let you by. It's not for wide bikes like those with big batwing fairings. I would like to see it legal here but doubt that will happen, too many people with the mindset of "I can't do it why should you".

I will ride on the shoulder here though. I'm not going to sit in a traffic jam in summer if I can go around. Yes I know the risk of getting a flat as there is more debris. As an example of why it won't work here people will honk their horns and yell at me. The ones yelling always have their windows down so they're already frustrated with obviously no air conditioning.

Some of you are probably thinking " you're a criminal ". No, I'm not. Its not a crime it's a traffic violation. You don't go to criminal court, you go to traffic court. 

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We've had this discussion before,Ohio doesn't need lane splitting.It would not be worth the lives that would be lost.

I'm currently in the North Bay and I rode up from the South Bay last week,California traffic is a whole different ballgame than Ohio.

Edited by drc32-0
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7 minutes ago, Idiot said:

totally agree on the conclusion but let's look at the statistics a little closer.  I think the 2014 numbers had Ohio at something like 30 people per motorcycle and california was somewhere in the neighborhood of 45 to 50 people per motorcycle...  Now, given that we have at least 18 ugly people for every single ugly person in california then I kinda like their odds.


Jus sayin'


So you and I and a large part of OR should move to Cali to even out the ugly ratio?

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On 8/16/2016 at 1:30 AM, Isaac's Papa said:

I don't sit in traffic on my motorcycles. I go around that nonsense in a hurry. I' see no reason why I should sit there because your stupid giant pile of tin can't go around. Don't hate the player... 

I'll do it at stoplights, and only if I'm turning.

I did it one time on the freeway, coming out of the unholy snarl that is the evening rush-hour 77N-480E interchange. I got hate thrown my way liberally. Sorry, my 1985 muscle-bike is starting to make noises; I need some airflow over that radiator or you're going to be bumming me a ride.


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There aren't any laws in Ohio that actually say lane splitting is illegal. I do it everyday cause I don't want to get rear ended at stop lights. I am sure if you have a jerk cop that is having a bad day he could find something to ticket you for but lane splitting isn't actually illegal in Ohio.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I am a bit confused on my own stance on this. 

I don't know if I'm advocating for legalizing lane splitting or just an advocate for not prosecuting those who do it.

The more I see beginner riders riding over their head the more I think that encouraging lane splitting would hurt our cause, but rather not prosecuting those who do it.  Maybe these are one in the same. 

I don't do it regularly, mainly because I'm afraid of getting popped.  I've never had an issue while doing it, but I also can't recall a time where I've done it in the witness of a police officer either.  

As a side note, lane splitting is safer when done correctly and at safe speeds.  I believe the law states that you couldn't exceed 5-10mph beyond the speed of traffic. 

If you are lane splitting at 110mph while everyone else is stopped, you are an idiot and deserve everything you have coming.  

Common sense should prevail in this situation. 

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I have made my stance on this every time this topic comes up.  In Ca. it can work simply because of the volume of riders that commute and most of the car drivers understand that lane splitting is commonplace there.  It won't work in Ohio.  Most people driving cars now a days are asshats and are entitled to be in front of you and how dare you pass them.  I have had numerous people give me the bird, try to race me for position, cut me off, tailgate, etc. just to keep me behind them.  I am pretty sure this wasn't part of the driving test at the DMV.  I don't know where it comes from, could it be jealousy, haters, entitlement, IDK but it is getting worse.  I won't lane split for this reason, it is not worth the aggervation or confrontation and yes most of these are women!  If people were more curtious and understood this is a legal form of moving through traffic on two wheels, then I would have a different opinion.  I don't see this happening even if it was legalized here, I just see more accidents and hurt riders.

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43 minutes ago, Wolfman1 said:

  I won't lane split for this reason, it is not worth the aggervation or confrontation 

But the Dumb/inattentive drivers outnumber the psycho ones.. I prefer knowing one is after you to guessing which one of them will be.

Stopped traffic biker sandwich.


SV Crash.jpg

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