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So the fam and I went and saw Ironman yesterday. Good movie, but not as good as I hoped. The ending made me say WTF and almost ruined it for me, hopefully it's just a sign of a sequel though. Hard to say anything without a spoiler, but the action was good, as was the acting. Everyone I've talked to so far that have seen it really liked it.

There was a preview for the new Hulk flick that I haven't seen. Personally it looks like a big bag of suck. My 7yo thought it looked cool but my 12 yo and his friend both thought it looked kind of dumb. Ran into a bunch of friends at the theater and none of them thought it looked worth seeing at the theater.

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there will have to be. but i was looking on a movie website and i found this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0800080/ its the new 2008 hulk movie.The cast list has Robert Downey Jr. as tony stark in this new hulk, foreshadowing iron man maybe?

Tony Stark is a reoccurring character throughout a lot of the different series as is SHIELD. So no idea. I can say I won't be wasting my money seeing the new Hulk movie after seeing the previews.

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I saw iron man on Thursday. I thought it was pretty decent, especially since I went in assuming it was going to suck (ala Hulk, Fantastic 4). I didn't see the preview for the new Hulk, but it certainly can't be as bad as the last attempt.

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I saw the movie today..and the scene after the credits. Without giving it away, it's a cameo by someone we've seen in more than a few sci-fi/comic movies (never a bad thing). And..there will be more movies coming. :)

It was a good movie..one of the better comic-book-to-movie ones to come along. Robert Downey was perfect as Tony Stark. I didn't even recognize Jeff Bridges until half way through the movie!! And why, all of a sudden, do I want to bend Gwyneth Paltrow over and pull her red hair while hittin' it from the back?

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Just saw the movie tonight and thought it was pretty good. RDJ was perfectly cast as Tony Starks. I would like to see another one but sequels tend to suck. But, the fact that SHIELD is mentioned is kinda interesting, maybe a movie about that or something.

BTW I think Gwyneth Paltrow is hottest in The Royal Tenenbaums

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I have heard that Iron Man has more to it after the credits so maybe that would help with the ending.
Yeah.....There's an "Easter Egg" after the credits
She just might have those powers lol. She looked damn good in that movie.
She DEFINATELY looks HOT as a red head!! :D

They just said on the news that Iron Man raked in $100 mil this weekend.........2nd highest opening weekend for a non-sequel!!! icon_eek.gif

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I liked it but was wanting more when the credits rolled but thats what they want... It looks to be another marvel comics endless play and may hold water in the third or forth incarnation but we will see. Ill prolly wait to rent them on dvd instead of at the theatre.

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Yup..get ready for the Avengers...and various other movies where heroes are making guest appearances. They will milk this long past all of our time here on earth. And, seeing as how Iron Man did 100 million, I ain't mad at em.

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