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Yea,that is hard to say.  But I think it is a big part of the solution.

It has to be an all of the above I think.

More education dollars, and when I say that I mean more education dollars for counseling, social work, tutoring and life coaches. As someone in a school it bugs me that we are being left to do this, but with the right resources we are the best choice. There is a private org here that is run by a teacher that quit to do just this....they have targeted about a dozen kids.  And those kids are doing much better so far.

Yes, more aggressively taking these kids out of these environments. If they are being raised by someone busted for crack or heroin or crap like that, just take them.  If we grab them at 4 or 5 and put a couple in @whaler 's house I have no doubt they will do as well as his kids are. That's gonna be expensive to do.

And somehow, we have to create inner city jobs. Poverty is a huge part of this issue. I have NFI how to do that.


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Aren't charter schools free (tax coffer paid) to any child? From the marketing commercials it appears so. I imagine it also raises the per student cost in public schools with less bulk and the doubling of services.

Doesn't the failure of public education support wanting the government involved in fewer programs. 

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Just now, motocat12 said:

Aren't charter schools free (tax coffer paid) to any child? From the marketing commercials it appears so. I imagine it also raises the per student cost in public schools with less bulk.

Doesn't the failure of public education support wanting the government involved in fewer programs. 


Charter School funding is a can of worms.  When a child transfers to a charter school the State portion of the funding follows the child.  Plus about 5K of the local funding.  Which is odd, when I vote for a levy for the Parma Schools I am voting for a levy for the Parma Schools, not some unknown Charter School.  Also, the public school district despite just loosing 8 or 10 grand when the child moved still has to bus the child from their home to the charter school.

As for the failure of public education, if your suggestion is that charter schools are the answer you are mistaken.  They are considerably worse in almost every category. Don't confuse Charter Schools with Private Schools.  Two very different animals.

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My kids go to Buckeye, Medina sucks.  The numbers you posted are base numbers and I will not argue, but when taking total "all capital" school budgets into account and dividing by enrollment the numbers go up considerably.

My point is, urban schools are spending more money and getting nothing in return.  Throwing money is not the answer.  More education is the answer, that does not equate to more money.  I never hear anyone pushing revamping the urban schools and going a different approach, it's always more cash.  The other big problem is, what is good for one district is not good for other districts.  We end up implementing across the board and then the schools and families who were excelling get brought down.  It ends up being a race to the lowest common denominator.

Disband the Federal Department of education let the states handle were how and who.  The demographics and needs of students vary widely throughout the country and boiler plate does not work.

Total agreement that it starts at home!  More failed lets throw money at it social programs.  The system was designed to keep you down.  We see that it has kept a whole demographic down and is now expanding to new demographics.

At what point do you stop defending it and realize there is a reason welfare was created, the party that created it, and the party the recipients vote for?

Once everyone realizes, then understands that nobody want to stop helping kids or the parents, we can actually start having real conversations of how we can have a safety net but not support cradle to grave and actually lower poverty.  You will also have to except that some people choose to be poor and nothing can change this mentality.

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