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so i figured out my problem...


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so i few of you might know (well actually just two of you) that i have had trouble with shifting my bike. meaning it has false neutrals or wont go into first/second or once i do get it into gear it pops into neutral on its own etc... majore PITA. i posted this problem on the yamaha forum and most if not all replied with it being the detent spring (spring that helps return the lever to normal position after the gear change has taken place).

well without actually opening up the shift case i just assumed detent spring and ordered a new one along with a gasket and some other misc parts etc.

so today i opened it just to make sure that was really the case, but to my sadness i did not find a detent spring sitting on the bottom of the case housing, but rather a small metal chip about the size of a fingernail. looked around to find what it was from and nothing from the inside of the housing, so i looked at the cover i took off with the shaft still attached along with the arm thingy(?) and there it was, i found where it used to be located. went to mrcycles and found the part to be around 44 bucks. But i am desperate need to get my bike running sooon, so i called the local dealer and am going to see if i can get it overnight ::crossing fingers::

here are the pics of the cover i took off with the shift shaft assembly still on:


the arrow indicated where the piece im holding (the piece found at the bottom of the housing) is supposed to go.


this is zoomed out a bit. the piece circled is not supposed to be stopped by the metal piece but since that metal part is broken off it can spin freely. and this is what is causing my shifting problems.

i am 99% sure of it this time. but now at least i have a spare detent spring in case this one goes bad :shrug

anyone disagree with me or is this a pretty good guess that this is what is causing all my problems?

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