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Trunks top cases


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I’ve never had one. Been seeing some used pop up used here and there for the Connie. Wondering if it’s one of those things that’ll just end up collecting dust in the garage. Thinking the upright storage would be awesome. So my question for you guys that have/had them...... how much do you notice that big bastard back there when your riding? Do you leave them on most of the time? @2talltim I see you got one on your Connie. Like it?

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If you're going to be doing more than a few days on a trip, the trunk is a very nice convenience. It took me some time to get used to my case on the interstate. The wind kinda moves you around more. Anymore, I forget it's even back there and I see myself keeping it on the FJR more often. I know the Connies have some different mounting options. @2talltim can explain (I think the stock is a plastic mount and they make a metal mount, and some people swear the plastic breaks easy or something like that)

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4 hours ago, Killer_kaw said:

I’ve never had one. Been seeing some used pop up used here and there for the Connie. Wondering if it’s one of those things that’ll just end up collecting dust in the garage. Thinking the upright storage would be awesome. So my question for you guys that have/had them...... how much do you notice that big bastard back there when your riding? Do you leave them on most of the time? @2talltim I see you got one on your Connie. Like it?

Only use it on long trips can't imagine being on the road without it. Keep all the stuff I like to have easy access to during the day in it. Snacks,drinks, extra gloves stuff to clean my shield,ect. Local in state runs I don't use it.

I picked mine up used but if I were buying new I'd go bigger and get the givi case that clicks right to the Phils rack. The stock rack is know to breakage with too much weight on it.


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Thanks for the input fellas. Givi does seem to the popular choice for these. I’d have to buy a new rack for a trunk. A premier cycle rack came on the bike and will not accept a trunk. It does have a nice backrest though. How big did you go @2talltim ?

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16 minutes ago, Killer_kaw said:

Thanks for the input fellas. Givi does seem to the popular choice for these. I’d have to buy a new rack for a trunk. A premier cycle rack came on the bike and will not accept a trunk. It does have a nice backrest though. How big did you go @2talltim ?

Mine is just the 36L kawasaki/givi one. I wish it were a tad bigger. Here is the best rack you can buy. Then get the SW kit for it and there are a few givi boxes that click right to it that are mono key.


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Once I put a top case on a bike, I never took it off.  May have felt some extra blowing around on a windy day on the freeway, but ya just ride the bike.  I had the Givi V46 on my ZZR1200, and could fit 2 large full face helmets in it, plus gloves and other small stuff.  It's nice to be able to lock up your helmet and gloves when stopping on long trips, especially when it's raining.

Wish I could fit one to the SDR, maybe someday.

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In a stiff crosswind, my 450 lb bike leans into the wind. Oddly, with a case or box up high in back, it stabilizes a lot and isn't pushed around as much in the wind. That was a surprise to me. I was guessing it's like the tail rudder on an aircraft, inputting a steering correction.

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