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i mean you can use google maps as well as the rest of us. you can clearly see on your route, that you picked the wrong way to go on 555 unfortunately. looks like it got pretty good south of where you met up with it. just look for squiggly lines on Gmaps, thats all i do.

Just because you see a bunch of squiggly lines on the map doesnt mean its a good road. Sure there are plenty of curves but as we found out with 555 its just a bunch of slow dog legs. 78 was good because it was curvy but you could carry high entry speed into the curve. 555 even without gravel in some of its curves they were extremely tight and slow going. One of us, I won't mention any names but he felt like he was gonna lose his head when sharing a curve with a on coming car.

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Just because you see a bunch of squiggly lines on the map doesnt mean its a good road. Sure there are plenty of curves but as we found out with 555 its just a bunch of slow dog legs. 78 was good because it was curvy but you could carry high entry speed into the curve. 555 even without gravel in some of its curves they were extremely tight and slow going. One of us, I won't mention any names but he felt like he was gonna lose his head when sharing a curve with a on coming car.

that was me!! dude was in my lane and I was trying to lean. I didnt crap myself though, but I did make a little squirt

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Just because you see a bunch of squiggly lines on the map doesnt mean its a good road. Sure there are plenty of curves but as we found out with 555 its just a bunch of slow dog legs. 78 was good because it was curvy but you could carry high entry speed into the curve. 555 even without gravel in some of its curves they were extremely tight and slow going. One of us, I won't mention any names but he felt like he was gonna lose his head when sharing a curve with a on coming car.

not trying to rag on you guys in particular, im just saying that 555 looked a little less dog-leggy from the south of 78. its always a crap shoot on a route you never took before.

so if shittygsxr shits himself, what is he then?

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now u guys are starting to get it...:lol:

last time i was on 55 is shortly after they repaved it an the pavement seemed umm (looking for a good terminology) "gooey" like it was soft an u got a little bit of slide in the front end an im pretty sure there was a good bit of gravel on it also. think i mentioned once before that 78s to 550 to 329 to 377:D (fun road) was a sweet route that drops u right back on to 78 just outside of Mcconnelsville

i really wish they would repave 669 cuz that road would be crazy sweet:eek:

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Just to keep this thread way off topic:

Has anyone ridden route 800 north out of Woodsfield? I'm playing around with my GPS setting up several 300 mile-ish routes, and I want to give Rt 26 from Williamstown to Woodsfield a shot. Is 800 any good, or should I take 78 west to Caldwell then 77N to 70W instead of 800 to 70W? I don't mind if 800 is terribly exciting or not, just not a torn up gravelly road like 555 seems to be from other replies.

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keep riding 78 west until you come to 60 in malta/mcconnelsville and take that north into zanesville and get on 70 there.

60 is cool, runs right along the river.

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I'm playing around with my GPS setting up several 300 mile-ish routes, and I want to give Rt 26 from Williamstown to Woodsfield a shot.

PS thats the route i posted earlier with the google map link. great ride IMO.

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PS thats the route i posted earlier with the google map link. great ride IMO.

That map is what tipped of off to that road. I figured "Hey, it looks good from space, so why not try it?" :p I think I'll take 800 and will try a separate route another time for the whole of 78. If I could figure out how to properly integrate Google Maps, Google Earth, and Tyre (software that uses Google Maps to make itinerary files for TomTom GPS's), I'd post the routes I've made.

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I'm going to be heading back to 377 where I crashed (labor day weekend 2007) very soon - that was a tough day. Should be a lot of fun on a cruiser - you sportbike types make sure you don't scare the crap out of me when you go flying by, and give me plenty of room! lol!

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I did a nice trip last year, Left Akron on 93s (Near akron a busy 2 lane road, but once south of there it becomes somewhat fun, nothing tight but some fun sweepers) to Zanesville. Spent the night in Zanesville, then headed south out of Zanesville on 555. Everyone is right, 555 gets BETTER the furthers south you go, but it really never gets great, way too many dog legs and such, scenic, but not great for "Carving". Beat around the Ohio river at the end of 555 to 26, now 26 is GREAT. Probably my favorite road so far, lots of curving sweepers, enough visibility to make a line, and hold it, and pretty clean. Trucked that back to 800, then 800 to canton, then hopped 77n back to akron.

I did a ride very late last year from akron, down 93, across 36, then caught 39 to 9 up to 11/224, was pretty nice, but chilly ;D. If the weather ever straightens up I will be headed out on a day trip, hoping this sunday if anyone in the Akron area wants to join!

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