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READ! CR member suggestions!


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Guest DagoRcR

I have a funny picture i wanted to post on CR...... Maybe ill post it here.....Ill need to adapt it...


This is what the Administration is doing to all the people that break these rules:



EDIT: This isn't the picture pages, and that isn't exactly work safe. :rolleyes:


[ 24. March 2004, 03:12 PM: Message edited by: the Man With No Name ]

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I dont post much, but i feel as though i have been around for quite awhile (about a year and a half). I am here frequently, sometimes 5 times a day because i dont have anything else to do besides get a chuckle out of what you folks have to say. Anyways, what i am getting at is that i hope to see this site going strong again, and i definatly want to be a part of it! I back Anthony and the other mods with whatever action they decide to take graemlins/thumb.gif


[ 24. March 2004, 03:36 PM: Message edited by: Bracketracer13 ]

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Originally posted by 1Pimp7:

i have to say i don't agree with this at all.


i don't even know what's going on, i just came to the site and it's gone. i feel robbed. i understand if Anthony and the Moderators got together and talked, but i think you should've tried to include Senior members and people who actually contribute to the site.


it's a public site, what did you guys expect? you're always gonna have ass hats(love that, haha). but i think i speak for a lot of people when i say this is a regular site for me, i check my email or go here, ALWAYS.


i just don't think you should let the minority of idiots fuck it up for the majority of good members.

Very true, we need to consolidate the amount of forums we have, and ban the retards. And i to, check my email, then check the 2 boards i visit, this being one. And i also think that is would be nice to infor senior members, or at least more people then just the mods and admins, because some people feel that some of the mods are not really all that good, which youll alaways run in to, but i say either one perons makes a decision, or the whole group, not a select few.
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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

i am gonna have to agree with rx7 steve and say that i felt like something was taken away when i got on today and the board was gone.


i personally don't think this had anything to do with noobs or post whoring, seemed to me in the short year i have been a member and the shorter time that i felt comfortable enough to post, that here recently the biggest problem is with people who have been here the longest have seemed to turn on the people running the board. I do not know if that is what is happening but if I was helping run this board that would be like a big ass knife in my back, and maybe this is why the mods are trying to get peoples attention. Cause seriously, does anyone here think that the mods can't handle an increase in the number of noobs that are here, as far as I can tell there have always been new people and there always will be, but when the people who make up the board start acting like retards it changes what people like about it. So do what you have to mods, cause hell I have met most people that are cool on the board and the ones I haven't I can get a hold of through the people I know, cause the board, even though it is my homepage and place I frequent the most, is still just a board. It is much better meeting in a parking lot to just stand around talking to the people I have come to know.


and mods don't make it more strict on the people who don't cause problems, cause I don't want to see CR turn into one of the many tech forums I frequent where no one knows each other except only by the internet, I come here for the fact that I know people and can talk shit with them when I can't go and hangout with them in person, but seriously if you guys leave the board down till the weekend that would be cool to me cause I would rather talk to you guys in person about what is going on and if I can do something about it, cause lets face it I am much cooler and much smarter in person

BWhahahaa, well he might be right, btu he is a lumber jack smile.gif
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Stop bitching at the mods in public. If you have done something stupid, expect to be docked for it. They are mods because the people who own the board have deemed them responsible, and support their decisions. You are not being singled out by being banned or struck, it's because you did something stupid. That is all.
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I don't post here often, but I do lurk a bunch. There has to be a way to penalize the trouble makers, without affecting the good, out standing members. I understand that when you have a board with 4000+ members, folks arent going to get along all the time, but I don't know if closing the board for a while will get rid of the issues. I hope for the boards sake the dust settles soon, this site is fun to have around.


Thanks to everyone that runs it,


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Hell yeah I'm all for it. I'm glad to see we are starting to weed out the bad seeds and make everything better for those of us who respect others and enjoy our cars in a safe and mature manner.

I am a member on other sites but CR is the best by far. The only thing I didn't like about it is the fact everyone(or most)of the people on here always rag on us import guys. Yes I know alot of the import people are young and have not learned awhole lot yet and they do some stupid shit sometimes, but not all of us act that way.

I guess I would just like to see all of us getting along and enjoying our cars together, regardless of what we drive.

To the admin. and Seniors,

Keep up the great job!



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Originally posted by Orion:

hes wise to have been hiding, look at all the drama he was able to avoid.



Marc: Rest assured, I'm always doing something behind the scenes. :cool:

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I don't agree with the "required meet attendance". How many people don't even live near Columbus? I don't, I live over 2 hours away and can't make it to a meet with my schedule. Implementing this would keep us "Non-Columbus" people from being a part of the board.


I agree with Mod/Admins, I think closing the board will get peoples attention and make them think. Do what you think is best.

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Originally posted by Rebel INS:

You shouldn't be so quick to fly of the handle.

I'll give you a piece of advice: take Anthony's advice and use the freakin smilie. You've been here 2 months and have less than 300 posts. Not saying reputations and good graces can't be established with that number of posts and that length of time, but unless you've personally become friends with someone on here (meaning met them a few times, chatted with them, got on their good graces, etc.), joking without smilie's can EASILY be taking as serious. I'm sure when you typed that message, you could see where saying "Mr. Dictator" might rub someone the wrong way. A smilie changes that so "if you could just TRY to remember to do that from now on, that would be great, mkay?"
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