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June 5th - Spontaneously Combustible Traveling Bike Night Tour - Lodge Bar


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Had a good time tonight. Nice meeting you Chris, Zerocrash, CBRGirl and Satan, I'll try to get with you soon on those carbs.

There were alot of people there that I didn't get to meet, but I am sure I will hit the bike night a time or two this summer. It was fun.

Hey Shitty, it looked like you had an entourage when you showed up.

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i think i saw your bike there :)

Dude, I was asking where you were. Satan and I were discussing how your bike reminded us of an old video game called Road Rash. Back in the day (cant believe I just said that) it was the shit. That bike is a true street fighter.

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lol i loved that game. i havent played it in forever though. im gonna have to try to find my genesis when im at my parents next time.

i was around. im very popular, everyone wants to get their moment with me :p


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