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BIG Explosion!

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link worky again. and them is some real stupid shits that would screw with something like that.



And I don't believe it's an avalanche bomb either. Most likely it was a small amount of gasoline in an enclosed container with enough air space to get it burning good.


Bombs, either black powder or flach powder will not create the black smoke seen in the later part of that movie clip. About the only thing that does that is gas. It also seemed to set the entire street on fire, another indication that it was a combustible liquid and not a "bomb" of some sort.


I realize that I might sound like a killjoy, or that I have no clue what I am talking about. As far as the killjoy, no just safety conscious, as far as not knowing what I'm talking about, Come out to Geero's and I will show you my pyrotechnicians license.


Bottom line is this, while this shit may look like fun, it's only amusing until someone dies, and stupid shit like this, doesn't kill all at once, you typically get to lay in a hospital bed for a few days with 75% of your skin burnt off, and the the hospital not having strong enough drugs to stop the intense pain that you are experiencing up to the point that your body finally gives out from the trauma of being burnt that bad and you finally die. Does that sound like fun? I bet it would just be a fuckin blast.


And remember, now shit like this, possesion of a fire bomb like this, much less setting it off, is an act of terrorism, and while having Bubba probe your anal body cavity in a federal penatentary every night might not be as much fun as dying from 3rd degree burns, it still is probably not a picnic. Just my $.02


[ 04. January 2005, 11:59 PM: Message edited by: desperado ]

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Instantly blow up a container of gas and you WILL get a big fireball. I don't think the Avalanche rocket did anything more than make a small explosion and ignited the ensuing cloud of gasoline.


IOW, Avalanche rocket alone <<<< rocket + 6ga. of gas.

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Originally posted by suffocateXfaster:

I can't figure out what that is either. But I noticed it.

That was a smart bomb taking out some stupid terrorist. They were speaking German so they could have only been a few hundred miles from the battels.
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