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Originally posted by BOOSTEDJUICE:

What happened to the porn? I'm starting to go through withdrawal symptoms.

remember this is a CAR FORUM


it is nice when people post up the boobs, but if you want porn there are so many places to find it other than a CAR FORUM



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I was just being a smartass but any of you who want to compare hot girlfriends I welcome the challenge anytime. From what i've seen most of you have no lives or girlfriends, so i'm sure this won't be tough. Those of you who didn't reply with an offensive answer this doesn't apply to.
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Originally posted by BOOSTEDJUICE:

I was just being a smartass but any of you who want to compare hot girlfriends I welcome the challenge anytime. From what i've seen most of you have no lives or girlfriends, so i'm sure this won't be tough. Those of you who didn't reply with an offensive answer this doesn't apply to.

you have a hot girlfriend, and are asking about porn on a car forum........she sounds hot
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Thanks Anthony for a non-combative response. These guys shouldn't be so quick to jump in a shitty way at people. Like I said I was just being a smartass because there weren't as many as usual. I won't make the mistake of posting again anytime soon.
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