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Dry Ice Bomb Vid


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When I worked in a produce wharehouse back in college, we had a lot of dry ice. People played w/ that stuff all the time.


Fill a little bit of water into an empty 20oz pop bottle. Drop in once piece of dry ice, put on the cap, and let it burst. Always good for a reaction. :D


We had one guy we worked with that definately looked like someone who would be a serial bomber. He used to take a LOT of dry ice home with him; he'd buy like one item and fill a whole box w/ dry ice. He did live in Oklahoma during the time of the bombing too...............

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Just like the N2O bird said, get some dry ice (graeter's ice cream sells it) stuff it into a blastic bottle that will seal, then fill it a little more than 3/4 with water. The more water the shorter it takes to explode. They are LOUD too.
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The works bombs are harder to make explode, and more dangerous. It is better to shred the foil for more surface area. The dry ice is harmless, just makes alot of noise. I'd let my kids do it.


The following is a work of fiction ;) :

When I was in high school we made one where we strapped a roadside flare to a can of starter fluid. That was some stupid shit. We were lucky we didn't get hurt real bad. Made a big fiery explosion, though. We put one in a mailbox.

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Guest FuelforFire

Yeah, so my buddy buddy thought it would be funny to launch one of those types of bombs in a porta jon at a local Elementary school.


Knocked the whole BOLTED jon over.



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i personally enjoy making vinegar bombs. just vinegar with baking soda wrapped in a towel. try to use a glass bottle though....it makes a HUGE explosion, but throws glass shrapnel EVERYWHERE
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