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britney spears on WNCI


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Maybe this is some type of photo-chop? I'm far from familiar with the software used to alter photographs, but a few things of concern:


1. Her upper body - boobs up, including her arms, hands, and face, don't demonstrate the same "thickness," or swelling, as the rest of her body. If she's that thick in the legs and feet, I would expect her to be that thick in the hands, arms, and face.


2. That pack of cigarettes seems out of place. Notice that it doesn't cast much, if any, shadow, though that other item just to the left of it (i.e., further down the blanket, toward her feet) casts a noticeable shadow. In the same vein, the shadow from her legs covers that other item, but not the cigarettes.


3. Still on the topic of shadows, the shadows on her feet don't seem right. Like they are at the wrong angles.


Then again, maybe Britney just got fat.

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Still don't think it's her. Tattoo doesn't prove anything. What would stop some chick from getting the same tattoo Britney's got in the same spot? None of those pictures Vinny posted resemble the one posted from WNCI's website. My opinion, it's just striking controversy or what not for attention. Doubt it's her. I'd still do her if it is, though.
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Guest FuelforFire
The last time I was in NYC......I was walking down a street when all of a sudden a girl with a bright pink rain hat and pants plus shirt walked by in a hurry. She was with a younger girl. A few flashes wnet off and then she disappeared into a formal store. I kept walking asking myself "What was that?.........There's no salad bar here! (space ghost)" Then I was approached by my friend. "I got her picture!" "Who's picture?" I asked "Britney Spears! She just walked by and went into that store!" And I didn't even get a picture :(
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Originally posted by Ricochet:

Hugh's paying $40 million for that?

Word, these chicks wear next to nothing. They are just looking for an excuse to get naked. I mean why dress so slutty if you aren't looking for that type of attention. Get naked already. graemlins/pics.gif
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Allow me to shine light on the situation.


While away from CR for a year I held 2 positions consecutively at Nationwide Arena. 1st as event security, gaurding the stages, backstage, what have you (advantages of being massive, and I don't neccessarily mean muscle mass). The 2nd was as an engineer. A good friend of mine is head engineer at the Arena and has allowed me to be in on many "secrets", a.k.a. the shit the public doesn't get to know. I was working the night she came to town. Every artist that comes to the arena from Brittany to you name it has requirements for their dressing rooms. In their contracts with the Arena, if the room is not stocked according to their specifications, they are allowed to refuse their performance. Such as security must allow them to take any girls they want backstage, and we did. I would be gaurding the door with a few others and band members from numerous groups would come out and start asking girls if they are over 18 and would take them backstage. Now that you have a somewhat general knowledge of how things are run at the arena let me show you Brittany's list of dressing room requirements while performing at the Arena in 2003. Keep in mind she had few (less than 15 that I saw, but thats a general figure) other people in the room with her throughout the night.


1) 2 5th's of Jack Daniel's

2) 2 CARTONS of Marlboro's


I shit you not and swear on my whole family's graves.


Brittany smokes? i thought that was bad for singing?
Although many rock artists do it, smoking does severely affect a persons voice, especially over and extended amount of time, BUT it is still possible to smoke and sound good in some cases. Does Brittany sound as good in concert as she does in her vid's and album's? Absolutely. Why is that? Easy. She doesn't always sing live. It's an act. Lip singing.
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Guest stevil
Originally posted by BIG SHAFE:

Word, these chicks wear next to nothing. They are just looking for an excuse to get naked. I mean why dress so slutty if you aren't looking for that type of attention. Get naked already. graemlins/pics.gif

Hmm, I don't think he meant that. I think he meant "Why the fuck would Hugh Hefner pay $40 million for that chunk to pose in his magazine when he has zillions of other hotties that will do it for less?"
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Originally posted by yenner:

Allow me to shine light on the situation.


While away from CR for a year I held 2 positions consecutively at Nationwide Arena. 1st as event security, gaurding the stages, backstage, what have you (advantages of being massive, and I don't neccessarily mean muscle mass). The 2nd was as an engineer. A good friend of mine is head engineer at the Arena and has allowed me to be in on many "secrets", a.k.a. the shit the public doesn't get to know. I was working the night she came to town. Every artist that comes to the arena from Brittany to you name it has requirements for their dressing rooms. In their contracts with the Arena, if the room is not stocked according to their specifications, they are allowed to refuse their performance. Such as security must allow them to take any girls they want backstage, and we did. I would be gaurding the door with a few others and band members from numerous groups would come out and start asking girls if they are over 18 and would take them backstage. Now that you have a somewhat general knowledge of how things are run at the arena let me show you Brittany's list of dressing room requirements while performing at the Arena in 2003. Keep in mind she had few (less than 15 that I saw, but thats a general figure) other people in the room with her throughout the night.


1) 2 5th's of Jack Daniel's

2) 2 CARTONS of Marlboro's


I shit you not and swear on my whole family's graves.

What light does this shed on anything? Anyone who's watched VH1 in the last year has seen about a dozen programs on the lifestyles of rock stars and demands performers make on arenas prior to staging a concert. No news there. And you even admitted that there were other people in the room with her for the entirety of the night. Thus, reasonably, she could have avoided both the booze and the cigarettes altogether. For all we know, all that booze and all those cigs could have been for Colin Farrel.


Thanks for the crack insider info.

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Originally posted by Venomss:

What light does this shed on anything? Anyone who's watched VH1 in the last year has seen about a dozen programs on the lifestyles of rock stars and demands performers make on arenas prior to staging a concert. No news there. And you even admitted that there were other people in the room with her for the entirety of the night. Thus, reasonably, she could have avoided both the booze and the cigarettes altogether. For all we know, all that booze and all those cigs could have been for Colin Farrel.


Thanks for the crack insider info.

Your welcome dick. Colin Farrel my ass. She's a no talented ass clown who got rich because she was a sweet innocent little virgin. Now she's just another slut. Sorry I may have ruined your fantasy's about her. My bad.


Also, believe everything you see on TV. I swear its true, the media never tries to get ratings...no really! graemlins/jerkit.gif

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Originally posted by yenner:

Your welcome dick. Colin Farrel my ass. She's a no talented ass clown who got rich because she was a sweet innocent little virgin. Now she's just another slut. Sorry I may have ruined your fantasy's about her. My bad.

Dumbass - I'm critiquing you because your so called "secrets" are pretty much common knowledge and your "proof" of whiskey and cigarettes in a dressing room amounts to just about dick, not because I give two shits about Britney Spears or because you ruined some fantasy I had about her.


Originally posted by yenner:

Also, believe everything you see on TV.

Or, how about I believe every stupid ass post I come across on the Internet?
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