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i talk to lawyers today, i only had 3 beers in a 3 hour period and then was driving home... sucks i thought the cop would be cool but people in my back seat had alcohol so we got screwed.
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Three beers in three hours? Unless you are underage, you probably should have gone for the breathalizer. Now you won't have a license for a year. The people in the back seat have no bearing over your ability to drive.


Were you still feeling the effects when you got pulled over? If so, then you are better off by refusing.

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Originally posted by copperhead:

Three beers in three hours?


Were you still feeling the effects when you got pulled over? If so, then you are better off by refusing.

3 beers in 3 hours, what effects? he's not a hampster smile.gif

if you honestly only had 3 beers in 3 hours, hell if you only had 6 beers in 3 hours, take the test and tell him your really tired and you have been up since 4am.

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your screwed, you should have taken the test, its better if you take it and fail then to refuse from a courts point of view.


and 2nd any open container in the front or back is NOT ok. in there eyes it could be pass from one person to the other.

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what a jackass...thanks to people like you who think its ok to go drink and drive I will never see my mom again. Next time if you even drink anything have someone drive for you..and letting people drink in your car...fucking dumbass...why dont ya just hang the shit out the window and say hey look at me im fucking stupid.


Just be glad you didnt kill someone. 3 beers in a hour a beer period.. the man that killed my mom didnt have much..and shes dead. think about that next time.


sorry but think about things before you do them and the consequences they might just have on others first.

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Originally posted by NIXON:

i talk to lawyers today, i only had 3 beers in a 3 hour period and then was driving home... sucks i thought the cop would be cool but people in my back seat had alcohol so we got screwed.

If that is true I would have took the test plus I would have kept the incident to myself and not post it on a public forum.
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It's just something i had to learn, i'm a hard headed person and go until something happens. Thanks to stupid fucking doctors i wont see my mom again so i know what you mean. You don't think i've already got shit about it. I'm glad it happened so i won't do it again.
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"Drive Hammered, Get Nailed"



Heres how it works....


When your pulled over and suspected of driving under the influence, your asked to take the physcial tests and breathalyzer. Your told.. "If you refuse to take these tests you will lose your license for 1 year" blah blah. Most people reailze... losing their license for 6 months is better than losing it for a full year. What most dont know is that you can refuse to blow and refuse to walk the line.. ect.


Refuse all tests.


Youll be taken to the station, where you can refuse to blow again, youll spend the night there, and in the morning youll have no DUI.


You'll still have to go to court, but they wont have evidence of DUI if you didnt take the tests, therefor, you wont be charged with a DUI. Most of the time if this happens, most drivers end up getting wreckless operation.


Wreckless operation is better than a DUI.


Please dont drink and drive, even if youve only "had a couple"

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