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We are not the Police

Science Abuse

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Oh Hell yeah, not only is the guy fucked up from the ever so sweet double flip but then they just beat the fuck out of him and pick him up and run him somewhere. Bet the dude thinks twice before taking someone hostage again.
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also serves as a deterent against other people trying that stuff.


Your watching the news, planning a bank robbery, see that happen, "fuck that, i'll get a real job."

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Originally posted by Scroator:

also serves as a deterent against other people trying that stuff.


Your watching the news, planning a bank robbery, see that happen, "fuck that, i'll get a real job."

and the truth shall set you free
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yea that would be awesome if they would do that shit here.


HOWEVER, though the number of crimes would decrease, the SEVERITY of the crimes would increase and officers would die. If people know that the cops will take them out w/o hesitation, then they will be fully prepared to take out officers in the same manner, if not more brutaly.


my .02

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Guest Zyklon

The police from where I come from in Italy are the same way... of course if you get pulled over for something stupid its very easy to make a 'Contribution' and just drive away.


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