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A rehabilitated Dubyuh

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Originally posted by Mac Daddy:

yeah that video was from a long time ago, im pretty sure that was before he stopped drinking

He claimed to have stopped drinking back in the 70's.

There's a difference between drinking socialy and drinking to the point that you dont remember your campaign contributers names, not to mention allowing youself to be filmed while poo'd. Call it drunk or stupid...pick one. tongue.gif

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Guest Crankshaft

Originally posted by (-):

<font color ='midnightblue'>

Who cares if he drinks socially anyway? :confused:

<font color ='midnightblue'>

exactly....'cause I'm sure no other president has ever done anything like, you know, attend a friends wedding and have a few innocent drinks. Damn, what a horrible man. He's certainly worse than that guy a few years back--forget his name--who was smokin pot in the white house and having illicit affairs with interns, then accepting bribes from foriegn nations, and finally ripping up the Air Force One and the white house and taking the furniture out of it before the next president moved in. Yeah, ya definitely picked the bad apple of the bunch. Good work, Eric. graemlins/thumb.gif

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Hell, he sounds like he would be fun to hang out with when sauced.


IMO that video actually gives him bonus points.

i agree, funny as hell to me, having some booze at a party = no big deal. If you found him making racial slurs, cussing up a storm saying negitive stuf about people, it might open some eyes. The problem with liberals is that they think the wies (sp?) tapes are damaging when they only further what we already know graemlins/thumb.gif
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