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Bye-bye stripes, my car is naked! - 56k die again


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Originally posted by Donkey Schlong:

Except for Faigley and my brother who can't go more than an hour without being douches tongue.gif

You're welcome. graemlins/nod.gif
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Originally posted by Donkey Schlong:

Enter "intarweb sarcasm" here smile.gif


BTW, thanks everyone. Except for Faigley and my brother who can't go more than an hour without being douches tongue.gif

Sure I can

just don't feel the special need to be nice

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Originally posted by Cap'n Kickass:

graemlins/cry.gif Sniff sniff graemlins/cry.gif I miss my old car.


On another note, it looks damn good and its about time you got around to putting it on. Was it hard to fix?

It wasn't hard to fix at all. Just time consuming.
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