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Finally pics of my WRX


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Got my wheels on sunday and here is a pic of my wrx. VERY DIRTY and pics are very big so sorry.






[ 25. May 2005, 09:03 PM: Message edited by: Nitrousbird ]

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Guest doggunracing
Go to the first post and click 'Edit'. The tags around the html link should look like [ img ]..... [ /img ] without the spaces. Change the img to thumb.
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Nice WRX, I will hopefully be in the market for one of these at the end of the year.



Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

I put in the thumbs tag. smile.gif


In response to the plate on this WRX, would "AND SUCCEEDED" fit on my plate?

Wouldnt your car have to see the light of day for this to be true?
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