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Take a look at what Jim Head just bought...


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Jim Head of Head Racing just bought this super kit car. I have never seen nothing like it before in my life! I will have some real live pictures up for everyone soon to se. Its a twin turbo ford v6 that makes 370hp but the best thing is its only 2150 lbs.


Take a look and tell me what you all think.





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Originally posted by 2 Zum:

There is one in the columbus area, in red. i saw the car at the last miata autocross. this car is so bitching its not even funny. wish i could afford one!

It sleeps off of high down on campus, We were goin to krogers on the fourth of july and we see a mechanic shop guy said he just bought half the space inside, got to talking and he took us in the back and guess what sat there , Noble M12 let us look inside and even started it up gave it a couple of revs big ups to thAT GUY for showin us around his shop on the 4th of july, I think the place was called the speed shop had like two shelbys and a prowler in the front window, North of campus a lil ways.
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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

he lives down the street from me ill wait outside his house and plead for a ride...dont think it will work though.



I am much closer , like 1/2mi away your 5 away. Me>you
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Originally posted by neonkiller:

It sleeps off of high down on campus, We were goin to krogers on the fourth of july and we see a mechanic shop guy said he just bought half the space inside, got to talking and he took us in the back and guess what sat there , Noble M12 let us look inside and even started it up gave it a couple of revs big ups to thAT GUY for showin us around his shop on the 4th of july, I think the place was called the speed shop had like two shelbys and a prowler in the front window, North of campus a lil ways.

High and Kelso right?


Went for a ride in an M12 with a warmed over engine. Very impressed.

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Got one better than that I did all the interior trim in his house. Was there for like 6 months. Fuckin house is huge all glass exterior walls like a comercial building. Pool in the basement under his bedroom. Killer airplane hanger in his back yard with 3 planes in it. Has a shit load of cars. Jim is a cool guy..
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