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wanted: cheap or free house stuff for burnt out friend

Guest busteryhyman

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Guest busteryhyman
a friend of my brother just lost everything he had in a housefire. he doesnt have any family around here so he's getting a new apt and starting over. if anyone has any furniture that you arent using, hell anything, small appliances, anything and would want to donate or sell cheap im sure he'd be very appreciative.
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Damn, that sucks, really sorry to hear about that. Renters insurance is your friend. I don't live on my own so I don't have alot of stuff like that, but I'll check with my parents to see if they have anything.


Lol, at first by 'burnt out', I thought you meant a pot head that had smoked too much.

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Originally posted by buckeye:

still have the sofa couch you said you wanted then never came and got

If she doesn't take it, tell me about it and I might be interested. I don't actually have a bed (the airbed popped!) at this point in time. Just a recliner in my room or the couch in the living room. Not entirely opposed to renting a u-haul for the day to pick it up and transport it, as I have stuff I want to put in storage anyway.


Also, I got a computer chair I got from goodwill. I use the recliner now so your friend can have it, I don't need it now. :D

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