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Free Kittens


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Originally posted by The Vette:


I was expecting something different from this guy.


"Ill take care of your pussy"

"I'd Like to see your pussy first before I make any commitment"

"How big would would say your pussy is, 10 pounder?"



Im disappointed sam.

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Neo:

If we move in together and you have a cat, it will end up in the dinner one night.

HAHAHA. KITTENS arn't that bad. We have one and it has A.D.D. It's funny. It also is posessed by the devil between the hours of 9:00p.m - 11:00p.m. If my girlfriends mom would let her, i'd take one, but that isn't happening.

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Some cats are fine. Others, there is no way I'd want to live with them. That's just on a personality level. On a note that’s impartial, I'm fairly allergic to them. If I touch them, anything with cat hair (or dander) on it, and it somehow gets into my eyes, it will make for me being miserable for a while. Really stuffed up, runny nose, eyes itching like hell.
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Originally posted by Neo:

Some cats are fine. Others, there is no way I'd want to live with them. That's just on a personality level. On a note that’s impartial, I'm fairly allergic to them. If I touch them, anything with cat hair (or dander) on it, and it somehow gets into my eyes, it will make for me being miserable for a while. Really stuffed up, runny nose, eyes itching like hell.

and all this time i just thought you were a crying bitch...


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