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Just the ticket? Police prepare six-week crackdown on bad driving


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so more overtime to cure the deficit created by more overtime? Brilliant!

They should just give bigger fines to people who turn in front of bikers. The same thing they do in construction zones on the freeways. Make it 7500 or something like that! Problem solved.

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its just the thing to start generating revenue.

agreed.. do the math. They said when Cincinatti did this it led to around 6,200 tickets.. lets just say the average around $100 per ticket. $620,000 made by the city in 6 weeks. Sounds like a no brainer to me. My question is how are the writing more tickets? Do they just overlook everything any other time?

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Yea, I had heard about the "deficit" on the radio last week and thought that they might do something like, stop giving the firefighters practice hoses to save money or put speed limiters on the police cars so they can only go over 65 mph with the siren on (hey thats not a bad idea)... ;)

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That's so important! :rolleyes:

What the hell is with cops worrying about this shit. No matter what you do, people will do what they want on the road.

There are more important things to do protecting this society than putting such a big emphasis on road patrol. :rolleyes:

The city is worse than any thief, because they steal from the people more than anyone else does.

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I would have no problem with this as long as they were actually going after shitty drivers. There's list of things I would love to see them writing tickets for. Right now though tailgaters and people throwing cigarettes out the window are going to send me postal.

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I dont think the police should be able to write one more ticket until their response time gets under 10 minutes. I am tired of waiting 1 1/2 hours for them to respond when someone tries to steal my shit

I agree. I was almost robbed back in November and the two people hung around the block for about 15 minutes. I was on the phone with the police dispatcher and told her this. It still took them a half hour to get there... :flingpoo:

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I agree. I was almost robbed back in November and the two people hung around the block for about 15 minutes. I was on the phone with the police dispatcher and told her this. It still took them a half hour to get there... :flingpoo:

about 10 years ago someone broke into our garage and was in my car stealing shit.

my dad ran out there with a shotgun and the dude hid in the garage.

so my dad is sitting on the picnic table, about 20 feet from the garage door, we can see the guy in there trying to hide an shit.

we called the cops and they said they would be there ASAP. 15 minutes later, they still havent shown, and my dad calls new albany PD. we lived just outside of the NA city limits, in the township and were covered by FCSO.

he told NAPD whats up, and said someone was probably about to get shot, and it would be nice if they could come help us. "durrr. thats outside our limits, sorry. you'll just have to wait for the sheriff" :rolleyes: they never had any problems following people down my street and pulling them over for traffic violations.

finally after FORTY FIVE MINUTES the sheriff shows up, drags the guy out of the garage and arrests him.

why did it take so long? they had to drive from fucking georgesville road to new albany to come assist us :rolleyes:

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about 10 years ago someone broke into our garage and was in my car stealing shit.

my dad ran out there with a shotgun and the dude hid in the garage.

so my dad is sitting on the picnic table, about 20 feet from the garage door, we can see the guy in there trying to hide an shit.

we called the cops and they said they would be there ASAP. 15 minutes later, they still havent shown, and my dad calls new albany PD. we lived just outside of the NA city limits, in the township and were covered by FCSO.

he told NAPD whats up, and said someone was probably about to get shot, and it would be nice if they could come help us. "durrr. thats outside our limits, sorry. you'll just have to wait for the sheriff" :rolleyes: they never had any problems following people down my street and pulling them over for traffic violations.

finally after FORTY FIVE MINUTES the sheriff shows up, drags the guy out of the garage and arrests him.

why did it take so long? they had to drive from fucking georgesville road to new albany to come assist us :rolleyes:

I went through the same thing this past time. I live in Westerville so I called the Westerville Police and they told me that since it was on the edge of the city to call Columbus Police. :nono:

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