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Two of the lines I believe are for the front. The third feeds the rear brakes. As far as a manual conversion, there's not alot to that. Biggest thing is that you will need to move the accuator arm up some to increase the leverage on the master cylinder. Failure to do that will get you brakes that feel like power brakes with no vacuum. It woill require that you cut the pivot pin off the brake pedal and move it closer to the main pivot. This is NOT something to be screwing with if you can't weld well. Having the weld fail would make for a rather wild ride.
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Guest Removed

not really the one out the bottom goes 2 the Lfront wheel,the 2 out the sidego 2the vavle 1 for the Rfront the other 2 the back

its different from others ive don thats why i asked


(i can mig like hell)

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After reading this numerous times to figure out what you were saying (the leetspeak shit has to go if you want to be understood here, or for that matter taken seriously) the 2 lines that come out the front are still run off the same piston. They are only using the master cylinder as a tee connector. Everything else is pretty much standard. As far as that goes, I am unsure why you are wanting to convert to manual brakes. I am going to assume that it's either a space issue or you are running a cam that doesn't give you enough vacuum at idle to get the power brakes to work and you are thinking that manual is the way to go.

Space issues are a bit harder to work out, but the vacuum issue is an easy fix. There are two ways to deal with that. One is to get a vacuum resivor (tank) that the booster connects to and it connects to the engine manifold. When you first let off the acclerator there is alot of vacuum. It gets stored in the tank basically and then works the brakes. The other is an electric powered vacuum pump. These are a bit pricy, but if you are running a blower motor that never see's more than 8 inches of vacuum then that's the way to got. Jegs carrys both of these items.

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Guest Removed

2 lines out the side that go to the valve i get !its the 1 commingout the bottom that confused me.

its more near the rear of it and it goes to lfront brake by it self!!!

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