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Need Clutch Help


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Driving the Formula tonight (trying to head out to Jegs), I get on 270, get on the car pretty hard, and I had a hard time getting it into gear. I think I was in 4th, pull it out, try to put it into 6th. Won't go. In fact, now it won't go into any gear. :( I haven't lost any fluid and still have a ton of pedal pressure. I got the car rolling a bit, get it into 1st gear, match the RPM's and slam it into 3rd. Ended up driving back home in 3rd gear, but I did get it there. ;)


We think it might be the slave (master had fluid, seemed OK) or the clutch itself. But I have had no problems with this clutch, no slipping, etc.. I find it hard to believe it would just take a dump on me. It's a Cartek, but it is used. 2 guys had it before me, but it's been a great clutch. I've only beat on the clutch at the track once, and you all know how that ended up. My rear broke. :(


So, any ideas? Before I take things apart and start looking, I was wondering what everyone thought the problem might be... :(

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If fluid is getting past the slave cylinder, you'll have pedal feel, but it won't move the pressure plate anywhere.


Did you upgrade your slave cylinder when you did the clutch? If I recall, the slave cylinders on LS1's aren't all that hot to begin with.


LS1 guys get a better selection of pressure plates than the LT1 guys (since you aren't stuck w/ the patented Valeo PP, and don't have a pull-style clutch), but we LT1 guys make up for it w/ a stronger tranny and better (and easier to work on) master and slave cylinder setups. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Did you upgrade your slave cylinder when you did the clutch? If I recall, the slave cylinders on LS1's aren't all that hot to begin with.

No, I didn't. That's why my bet is that it's the slave.
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Here is another reason I think it's the slave: The past few weeks, driving normal, it was fine. Everything was shifting well. But under hard acceleration, I had a problem getting it into gear. I just thought I finally started sucking at driving. ;) So maybe the slave was going out and under that much pressure and acceleration, it was having issues and finally gave out... :confused:
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Yeah I'd check the slave cylinder for proper travel. I had one that finally came apart on me. It could be if you have a rubber line somewhere in the system that its weaked and is stretching.



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