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Rounded torx bit bolts ..... need help getting them off - ideas??

Guest d3caps

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Background info:


This is a prison van. We are trying to take bolts off to remove the bars on the windows. The bolts are torx bits, but they have been rounded off so prisoners cant take them. It is a torx bit and we cant get a good grip on them. The bolts are 3/4", so things like gator grips will NOT work.


What has worked:


We got half of them out. One we got out using the torx bit to get it moving then vice grip. Two we got out by using the torx bit.


What hasn't worked:


Torx bits and vice grips just will NOT work on the remaining bolts.


Possible solutions:


Somehow dremel enough out to fit a screwdriver and try to get it out? I am not sure if we have anything strong enough to dremel down about 1/8th"


Solder/Weld a torx bit in there and try to use a wrench to get the bolts out. Have no idea if this will work. We dont have any tools to weld, not sure if the solder is strong enough to hold the bit in with lots of torque


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Originally posted by Mr. 2:

Could try drilling in a little with a small attachement then use one of those reversal bits.

Oh yea, we tried screw extractors. Nothing ends up catching :confused:


I think we came close with 17/64" screw extractor ... no luck.


Thanks though.

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Originally posted by BIG PAPA:

if they are big enough to get a set of vise rips on you could take them off with a burn off kit.


Like this one


That kit doesn't have an attachment big enough. The rounded part of the bolt is ~19mm or 3/4". We tried vise grips, worked for some, but they just will not lock and move for the bolts remaining :(
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Guest RdHondaSi

Wouldn't it be easier to plan your getaway other than taking off the bars?? :D

I had a messed up lock on my wheel, and what we did was:

Cut a slot in the head using a die grinder

Take an impact chisel and point it toward the left to loosen it up.

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Originally posted by desperado:

I can TIG bolts to them. Then you could just back them out. Short of that, get some GOOD drill bits and drill the heads off them.

I would *REALLY* appreciate it. It shouldnt take more than a couple minutes.


I guess question is - what type of head is best to add onto the current bolts? So far I have heard, use a torx bit, another bolt, or a nut.



What do you guys think??

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here is a novel idea ( it works ive done it) get a good bastard file and file 4 flat edges on the head until you can get a wrench on the flat sides then file off the corners and you now can put a socket on the head. beware these bolts are either locktited or are a pinch thread so they wont back out due to vibration (safty first)so make sure that you have a tight fit. or another option is to duct tape the head liner around the bolt and use a dremel or a cut off wheel and cut a straight line across the head and use a large flat head screwdriver to screw them out
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Originally posted by Faster than Yours:

there should be no reason drilling and extracting doesnt work. those are not torqued as tight as head bolts. i have had to drill and remove plenty of head bolts this way

We tried to get the bolts off for over 2 hours. You are welcome to come and take them off if you are so confident in your method.
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Did weld with bolts. Just stuck the bolt in the drilled hole and tacked it up with the TIG welder. Done deal. Only had one minor issue with the heat getting over at *** headliner and after that one spell of sillyness I started weting the headliner before welding and it went great after that.
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