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Hillary is done


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Now we have to get rid of OSAMA HUSSEIN. I mean Obama bin ladin...Oops, I mean OBAMA. :dunno::nono:

ZOMG obma is teh muslim!!!1 saddam will be his vice prez!!!!1


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so here is my prediction...take it or leave it...

the whole hillary/obama issue has thoroughly split the democrats this year...

republicans go out and vote for their obvious candidate, mccain wins, even if by a small margin...

next election, nancy pelosi runs democrat, and takes out mccain for what would have been his 2nd term...

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I can hear it on the news now, "...and one vote for a NinjaNick?" :D

yea right. If anything, I'm going to start a campaign to vote myself into the position of Dictator because , honestly, I am a better alternative.

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Wow... I don't know how you arrived at that prediction. Interesting, but I doubt Vegas odds are in your favor. I know Pelosi is hott shitt within the party, but I think she'll be under much tighter scrutiny if she runs for the presidential office - I don't think she's positioned herself for that. 4 years from now, if she starts tomorrow...maybe, sure.

Even though the party is split now, I think after Hillary drops out, they will reunite for the greater good, given the socialist tendencies of the party. At this point, we'd be better off with a dead squirrel in the white house than McCain.

And with all the "assassination" hype, along with McCain being 40,000,000 years old - I think the choice of VPs will have a larger play this time around too, since the likely hood of a VP running the country could be a possibility. I don't' really believe any of the assassination garbage, but McCain could kick over or go senile in office. McCain still hasn't released his medical records has he?

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As far as the Dem's bein' divided.......How much 'ya wanna bet Hillary's concession is based on her being named Osama's VP??? I'll think we'll be seeing her on the ticket by August at the latest....If not an announcement here in the next few days :rolleyes:

"I'll drop out now, and save you & the party any more fighting, but you name me VP. Otherwise.......I'll fight all the way to the convention"

She's just pissed cause Osama got half the Michigan delegates this weekend, when he wasn't even on the ballot there, and now the writing's on the wall SO big.....Even she can't ignore it anymore!!

They've both slung so much mud, they've hurt their parties image, and made things real easy for McCain to just sit back & keep feeding them rope

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Fonz, that is the only X factor i see in my prediction...

Don't get me started on 'ol Nancester :nono: At least Hitlery is smart/cunning......Pelosi's an idiot....and a SCARY one :rolleyes:

She wants to give so much of OUR stuff away.....You'd think it was a K-Mart blue light special!!

"Attention K-Mart shoppers!!!"


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