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Hillary is done


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Don't forget us little people. :)

You know what really gets my panties is a bunch? All the unnecessary pork barrel spending..and I'm not talking about a slab of baby back ribs. So much could get done...so many laws passed that could help people..but it all gets weighted down with all this side spending that usually benefits no one but the politicians somehow. Then legit bills get stuck to all this pork and get shot down, not because of the original bill, because of all the crap that got attached to it. Now, Joe Blow gets to say "he voted against money for daycare", when in reality his vote was against the other crap.

Can't argue with that one bit. Da Gubment is fucked and it only has itself to blame.

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I didn't say democracy, I said prototype...

democracy sucks, people are stupid...

thanks to my ancestor, john adams, the educated of this country can usually keep the morons in check...(see electoral college)

they just tend to do it with tact, rather than force, which keeps a revolution from occouring...

it's not perfect, but it's among the best I've seen

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I took a look online and maybe I missed something but Cleaner I think your facts are wrong I did find that he was elected once as Max Power indicated and did try to run again for several offices and was never re-elected once let alone repeatedly

Although he was elected to the Louisiana State Legislature in 1989, as a political candidate Duke has been largely unsuccessful, losing bids for Governor and the U.S.

You're right, I miswrote. He was a former KKK and was elected once but never reelected. I didn't look him up prior to typing.

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Hey look! The horse is still breathing.

McCain's Day Marked By False Statements And Gaffes

People will still find a reason to say they will vote for him over Obama. This dude can't even get his facts straight. Seriously..is this who people want to be our next President? We will be the laughing stock of the whole world.

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Just saw on the news right now that Hitlery & BHO snuck away from their homes/jet, entourages, etc......and met at Senator Diana Feinstein's house for a super double secret meeting to "discuss the future of the party" :rolleyes:

Let's start a pool here........I say there's an announcement by next Friday that Hitlery is his VP running mate. Any takers? ;)

In fact......I think I'll break this out into it's own thread. Post the link in a minute

Here it is..............


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Seriously..is this who people want to be our next President? We will be the laughing stock of the whole world.

Um...not to start this shit again.......:rolleyes:

But we already are the laughing stock of the whole world. The next presidential selection isn,t going to change that.

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