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Autocross Challenge at the 2005 Rotary Revolution!

Guest MichRX7

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Guest MichRX7

Indianapolis, IN- Want to find out how fast you really are in your rotary vehicle? In 2004 a lot of male attendees felt they were pretty fast on our autocross course. And yes, there were some decently quick times throughout the day. So, we decided to throw down the gauntlet and challenge all of our attendees to see how they compare to a ringer (or two).




Lateral G proudly welcomes Beth McClure-Strelnieks for her first appearance at the Rotary Revolution.


Now we can already hear our past autocross winners scoffing, so let us bring Beth's credentials to the table.

Nine years experience autocrossing and road racing with the SCCA

Former contract driver for BFGoodrich Team T/A

2004 ProSolo Overall Ladies National Champion

2002 ProSolo L2 National Champion

2001 ProSolo L2 National Champion

2000 SSL National Champion




Impressed yet? Ready to see how well you run against a former champ? Well be prepared because when she decides to take a breather and spend some "quality time" with the attendees we're going to let her husband Erik get behind the wheel (he THINKS he can beat Beth's times).


Who's Erik you might ask? Well, let's just see what his resume holds:

Twenty years experience autocrossing and road racing with the SCCA

Former contract driver with Bridgestone Tire Corporation

Former contract driver with BFGoodrich Team T/A

McKamey/Evolution school driving instructor six years

2004 ProSolo SS National Champion

2002 Solo II SS National Champion

2001 ProSolo SS National Champion

2000 ProSolo SS National Champion

1999 Solo II SS National Champion

1995 ProSolo2 Stock 5 National Champion

1995 Solo II ES National Champion

1990 ProSolo2 SP3 National Champion

2003 Mazda Rev it Up 4th place overall finish


It's all in good fun, so come on out and compare your times on our two autocross tracks to Beth and Erik, and help us welcome them for their first appearance at the Rotary Revolution!




Discounted online registration for Rotary Revolution 2005 has begun and will run through March 15th, 05.




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im really not trying to be mean or anything but why dont you keep this to just one post? ive seen 3 maby 4 about the same thing. i am planning on going btw but i think it would look alot nicer if you could keep it down to only one post insted of 3-4
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$100 says i can pull a time within .2 secs in the same car as those former champs. Being a skilled driver is about 60% of the game. Haveing a well setup car and countless hours of experience in ONE car is 30%. The other 10%, is just SHOWING UP. The top 3 in points in every class, every year... are the guys who show up and run every single time. The dont always win, but they pick up points every event.


But if someone is willing to let me drive, ill come out with money to lay on the tabel. Experience has its value, but you cant buy natural talent.


PS - i am one arrogant SOB arent i ;)


SCCA #FG878330


SM #40

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Originally posted by Old School Accy:

im really not trying to be mean or anything but why dont you keep this to just one post? ive seen 3 maby 4 about the same thing. i am planning on going btw but i think it would look alot nicer if you could keep it down to only one post insted of 3-4

Have your ever had a Marketing class? Textbook promotion.



Pronunciation: pru'mowshun


Promotion keeps the product in the minds of the customer and helps stimulate demand for the product. Promotion involves ongoing advertising and publicity.

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Guest MichRX7
Originally posted by Old School Accy:

im really not trying to be mean or anything but why dont you keep this to just one post? ive seen 3 maby 4 about the same thing. i am planning on going btw but i think it would look alot nicer if you could keep it down to only one post insted of 3-4

It's ok, we didn't take it as being mean. If the moderators of CR ask us to keep it to one post we will.


The reason we don't like to keep it to one post is that there is a lot of news coming out about the event. We find that most forum users do not want to try and read through one very long post with comments from others in it to get to the new information about the event. With many small posts you can usually see the topic and either choose to read or not read the new information.

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Originally posted by MRMEANR:

Oh and i forgot to add.....


If you have to tell us who people are or what theyve done... they cant be all that great.

Maybe there are a few of us who may not be avid autocross participants and might want to talk with/learn from someone with actual championship credentials, and not from an ignorant asswipe such as yourself!


Buy or rent an RX-7, pay the entry fee, and show everyone what you can do. Then I'll be impressed. Otherwise, feel free to pound your chest somewhere else!


Save your $100 bet and buy some humility, or a clue, whichever may benefit you more.


[ 30. January 2005, 09:40 PM: Message edited by: Rotarded ]

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Originally posted by recklessOP:

you really are pathetic... graemlins/nonono.gif

If you ask anyone who is a baseball fan who Barry Larkin is... theyll know. If you ask any basketball fan who Micheal Jordan is, theyll know.


Ask any amature racer who Danny Popp, or Mark Presley is... if they are truely into it, they should know.


Youre right, im am a junkie. I live to run redline revs, burn tires, and breath fumes. And if you have to tell someone who these people are, they cant be the be all to end all you make them out to be.


My bet still stands... WITH ANYONE. Same car, same day, ill run just as fast if not faster. Ive done it before. Some people are just born to do certian things like play football, be soldiers, track stars, and professional golfers. I was born to race cars. ITS WHAT I AM, NOT WHAT I DO.


If you want to be impressed, just come out and watch this year. If my car is back together, you can come watch a relitively stock cavalier whip up on the Street Modified, C-H stock, STS, STX, and even run with DSP. You put me in the seat, ill produce. Hell, maybe Richard can get the Gran Sport in order and ill whoop up on SM2.


FYI - more national champs come out of OVR than any other division in the US. Put me in the right car, and ill show you national champ.

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Originally posted by MRMEANR:

If you ask anyone who is a baseball fan who Barry Larkin is... theyll know. If you ask any basketball fan who Micheal Jordan is, theyll know.


Ask any amature racer who Danny Popp, or Mark Presley is... if they are truely into it, they should know.

do you honestly think a lot of people on this board follow autox'ing..?


how many national championships have YOU won..?


[ 31. January 2005, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: recklessOP ]

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Originally posted by MRMEANR:

If my car is back together, you can come watch a relitively stock cavalier whip up on the Street Modified, C-H stock, STS, STX, and even run with DSP. You put me in the seat, ill produce.

No. Sorry to call you out on it, but looking at OVR results on the web I see you've never finished higer then 6th (June 22, 2003), and even then you were 5 SECONDS!!! off pace of your class leader. In my FIRST EVER autocross I was 4/10's of a second slower then you in a stock Protege.


You claim to know a lot about autocrossing, but if you did know anything you'd know that:


#1 a good driver can make any car fast


#2 turning fast Solo II runs takes YEARS of practice. I haven't met one person yet that was born dodging cones and PAXing at the top or the field without a couple drivers schools and seasons under their belts. Jordan was not born shooting a basketball. He was cut from his middle school team. He practiced constantly to get to his level. The same goes for anyone in any sport; Tiger Woods, The Williams Sisters, etc. 'Natural Talent' means you have a good base to work from, it doesn't mean you're fast.


#3 People know Danny Popp, Sam Strano, etc. not just because they turn great times, but also because a lot of people have learned from them at EVO schools.


#4 Mazda Rev-It-Up is exactly what you are asking for. Identical cars and an identical course that tracels around the country. THOUSANDS of drivers compete. Finishing 4th overall is quite a task. Maybe you should attend one of these to show how good you are.


Read the guys credentials and give him the respect he deserves.



I improved quite a bit through my first season, but I'm still ~1 second slower then my co-driver. Although if you were at the top of your game when I was at the same event as you, I have no doubt I would beat you now. If you think you're fast in a Cavalier I suggest you take a trip to the Detroit Region and see what a fast Street Mod Cavalier really is.


[ 01. February 2005, 09:57 AM: Message edited by: Mallard ]

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Originally posted by MRMEANR:

If you ask anyone who is a baseball fan who Barry Larkin is... theyll know. If you ask any basketball fan who Micheal Jordan is, theyll know.


Ask any amature racer who Danny Popp, or Mark Presley is... if they are truely into it, they should know.


Youre right, im am a junkie. I live to run redline revs, burn tires, and breath fumes. And if you have to tell someone who these people are, they cant be the be all to end all you make them out to be.


My bet still stands... WITH ANYONE. Same car, same day, ill run just as fast if not faster. Ive done it before. Some people are just born to do certian things like play football, be soldiers, track stars, and professional golfers. I was born to race cars. ITS WHAT I AM, NOT WHAT I DO.


If you want to be impressed, just come out and watch this year. If my car is back together, you can come watch a relitively stock cavalier whip up on the Street Modified, C-H stock, STS, STX, and even run with DSP. You put me in the seat, ill produce. Hell, maybe Richard can get the Gran Sport in order and ill whoop up on SM2.


FYI - more national champs come out of OVR than any other division in the US. Put me in the right car, and ill show you national champ.

You really are a tool.

People know who professional athletes are because of TV and marketing. Ask anyone at the national level and they will know who the Strelnieks are. You only know good drivers from OVR since you're just starting out and obvioulsy haven't been on any of the national forums, but I refuse to believe anyone is stupid enough to really think that all great autocrossers are household names to newbs such as yourself. There is a whole country full of great autocrossers you've never heard of. After you see the level of competition at nationals, you'll stop writing such ignorant statements.

I admit right now that I'm only a good driver, not great by any means. Actually, according to you I am a complete hack since I finished 23 of 28 in ESP at the 2003 Nationals. So I'm sure you'll let me take you up on your challenge. I don't trust your driving enough to let you drive my car since I didn't see any results proving you can drive, but any car you organize for an OVR event we can co-drive. Get within a second of me and I'll give you $100.

Your sig says "The elite walk their talk, regardless of the outcome." (hint - check spelling on a sig, it will be seen more than once) Too bad you didn't walk at all the last part of the season so we could compare pax times. A real autocrosser would come out even if it meant they had to drive a Volvo.

As Mallard said, take a look in Detroit to see a well driven Cavalier.

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Originally posted by MRMEANR:

FYI - more national champs come out of OVR than any other division in the US. Put me in the right car, and ill show you national champ.

I knew this was wrong, but I didn't have the numbers when I posted my last message and unlike some others I'd rather not talk out my ass. The regions aren't listed on the 04 results on scca's site so I looked at the 03 results. OVR had 2 National Champs. Detroit had 5, NWST had 5, San Francisco had 5, Chicago had 4, NY had 4, CSCC had 4, TEX had 4, Steel Cities had 3, Milwaukee had 3, NENC had 3.


How many have you seen drive?

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You guys are missing the point here. If i was out to do the following:


- Be a national champ

- Win individual races

- Or to be known country wide,


Do you really think i would have went out to do it in basically a bone stock J-body? You guys think im stupid? Think about what your saying and implying. I dont care about winning races, thats not the point. I cared about placing top 5 for the whole season in a car that was far inferior than the rest of the field. I raced Street Modified in a stock suspensioned, street tired car to win races? Your the ignorant ones. If i wanted to try to beat out Rosenfeld in his freakishly wide tired, AWD, 350hp Galant VR4... i would have brought out something better. If i wanted to take out the class leading M3... i would have brought something better. If i wanted to lead SM, i would have done some suspension work and bought some F'n slicks dont ya think???


My whole point to last season, was to see how i stacked up to other drivers with a much MUCH slower car. After 4 events, i was 3rd in points in Street Mod.... 3RD!, out of 23. I knew what i was doing. I would have finished out the year in the top 5 too had my engine decided it realy didnt like the idea of redline for 45 seocnds at a time. A spun bearing... easy fix. Bent valve, easy fix. But when you find pieces of block and main sitting in your oil pan... your season is over.


BillB -


Your numbers are totaly irrelivant. YOUR ONLY LOOKING AT 1 YEAR! Over the past X amount of years, OVR has had more come out of it, than anyone else. Not just last year, or 2003, but over many years. Your a moron, wear a helmet.


Plus, youve had 2 posts so you dont count.




In closing, you guys dont know your asses form elbows. Im not the best thing that ever hit the pavement, i know that... i also knwo im arrogant, cocky, and the most idiotic person to ever hit the keyboard.


What im NOT, is a bullshitter. Anytime someone wants to throw down, come find me. $100 any event, any car, any weather.


Im finished replying to this thread.



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Originally posted by MRMEANR:

BillB - youve had 2 posts so you dont count.




What im NOT, is a bullshitter. Anytime someone wants to throw down, come find me. $100 any event, any car, any weather.


Im finished replying to this thread.

Ok, So BillB offered to take your challenge to "anyone", and even made the margin 5 TIMES LARGER, by saying he'll pay you $100 IF you can come within 1 second of HIS time. He also faces you with facts in regards to your assinine chest thumping. In return you dismiss him because he only has two posts and then end your participation in this thread.


Is is not difficult to scurry away with your tail between your legs?

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Winning championships locally is all about showing up. You were 3rd in points locally but had never finished higher then 7th. Here's a look at your finishes:


16th ( http://www.ovr-scca.org/download/eventResults/soloII/2004/PE1.pdf )

12th ( http://www.ovr-scca.org/download/eventResults/soloII/2004/PE2.htm )

7th ( http://www.ovr-scca.org/download/eventResults/soloII/2004/PE3.htm )



You were called out on this because you do a lot of talking that you're an awesome driver, but I don't see it. Perhaps you should have run your entirely stock car in a stock class. You can always compare your times to others and you would PAX better. PAX is a way to compare yourself to other drivers, not by driving in the wrong class. I don't understand the logic behind your arguement.


Don't know my ass from my elbow?? Now that's funny considering I've run more events in my first season then you have in your entire autocross career. (unless you actually raced before 2003???) Not to mention only being 0.4 sec slower then you in my FIRST EVER event when I had no clue how to dodge cones or what tire pressures to run.


BillB's post count doesn't change the fact that he's a better driver then you. By all means, set up the $100 challenge and prove him and me wrong. He said he's game so let's see it.


If you had some ounce of proof that you're an awesome driver I would shut up. But right now you just seem to be talking out of your ass and there's no reason you should be disrespecting the Strelnieks after all they've accomplised. When you have 1/3rd of their credentials you can begin talking.


You're finished replying to this thread?? Well I'm not one to 'gay up' someone else's thread anyway so maybe we can get a topic split on this into the Kitchen. Mods/Admins?

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Originally posted by MRMEANR:

... I dont care about winning races, thats not the point. I cared about placing top 5 for the whole season in a car that was far inferior than the rest of the field.

Well that just sounds like you wanted to have a built in excuse when you sucked. I know I like the cars to be as equal as possible so I can compare my driving.


In closing, you guys dont know your asses form elbows. Im not the best thing that ever hit the pavement, i know that... i also knwo im arrogant, cocky, and the most idiotic person to ever hit the keyboard.


What im NOT, is a bullshitter. Anytime someone wants to throw down, come find me. $100 any event, any car, any weather.

Okay, so it’s agreed. One of the first OVR events we will co-drive and if you don’t live up to your hype, you give me $100. If you do, I’ll pay you.


Why be arrogant and cocky about your driving if you know you’re not any good? Arguments are more convincing when you think them out before typing.

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first you post:


Originally posted by MRMEANR:

If my car is back together, you can come watch a relitively stock cavalier whip up on the Street Modified, C-H stock, STS, STX, and even run with DSP.

then you post:


Originally posted by MRMEANR:

Do you really think i would have went out to do it in basically a bone stock J-body? You guys think im stupid? Think about what your saying and implying.

does anything you post make sense?!


[ 02. February 2005, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: recklessOP ]

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