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315 (11/14/03)


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I was heading south on 315 just after turning off of 270, when i noticed an electronic sign that said "Speed Limit 65 - Strictly Enforced"


I didn't see any police between there and my exit, but it was 3:30 am. I'm not sure if that sign means that the road is going to be more patrolled, or if it is just an attempt at scaring people into slowing down, but either way I suggest against going overly fast through there, at least during the daytime, until we figure out what's going on.

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Yep right after getting off of 270 to go 315N I noticed the sign and then right before the 161 bridge there goes the worthington cop.


i think that if you get caught in this situation, you have to be pretty ignorant or just plain at fault.


But anyways, be on the look out.

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Guest ltdah22
I used to work off of Bethel Road. Worthington Police love to inforce 315 at the 161 bridge. I was nailed at once 3:00am. One was cop was out of the car with the gun hanging over the bridge clocking and another was on the down ramp as a runner. I was only going 5mph over too and got nailed graemlins/doh.gif . They also like to pull off into the median and clock.
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315 isnt near as bad a 33 near Dublin. Ive seen a cop on 315 like 3-4 times and i drive it rom 270 till the Lane Exit by OSU every morning. But even so 33 (at dublin) to 270 to 315 to campus is one big speed trap in my opinion
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