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Drawing The Line...


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Okay, we've had discussions about scooters, and harleys, and trikes, who we will wave at and who we won't, and usually I'm on the side of "wave"...

but we all have to draw our lines somewhere...

I'll almost always wave at a sport bike

I'll usually wave at a harley

I'll wave at a scooter, if they're in a jacket, and helmet..

I'll usually wave at a trike even

I've been known to wave at people on quads (it's got handlebars, and a center seat, it sorta counts)

But yesterday, a couple of idiots in a side-by-side were running up the road waving at all the bikes:nono:

I'm sorry, I refuse to aknowledge a side-by-side as part of the motorcycle community, it's just a small car...

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Funny this should come up.......On our way down to the Pony Sunday, we had not one....but 2 sportbike guys snub us when we waved to them. One of them had one of those dumbass squid/stunta spikey mohawk things on top of his helmet.

Now I'm used to the Harley guys not wavin' back (I'm not as much of an idealist as Ben).....but 2 of our own?!? Kinda pissed me off

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i usually wave to anything motorcycleish. trikes, scooters mopeds whatever...

if you dont wave back, no big deal. maybe you were using the clutch, or didnt see me or whatnot? ya know, sometimes i dont wave because i cant take my hand off the bars. sometimes i dont see ya.... whatever

if they dont wave back because they dont like the brand of my bike, or because of cruiser/sportbike/whatever they dont wanna wave, then fuck em.

its not important WHAT you ride, just THAT you ride IMO.

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I wave at all motorcycles. Scooters are not motorcycles. Well, some are. The newer big ones almost qualify as a motorcycle. Sometimes I'll wave at them, then realize they're scooters. Haha! But a Ruckus, no. Moped, no. Side by side, no. Cruisers, Harleys, choppers, sportbikes, dual sports yes.

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I will wave at anything on two wheels. The difference between my wave and many others is my hand never leaves the handlebar. I just raise my fingers and call it good.

Waving used to be cool, however it seems that since motorcycling has quadrupled or more...if we were to wave at every bike we see, your hand will be waving more than riding.

I've often thought of buying one of those fake hands and hanging it off the side of the bike :)

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I will wave at anything on two wheels. The difference between my wave and many others is my hand never leaves the handlebar. I just raise my fingers and call it good.

Waving used to be cool, however it seems that since motorcycling has quadrupled or more...if we were to wave at every bike we see, your hand will be waving more than riding.

I've often thought of buying one of those fake hands and hanging it off the side of the bike :)

Now that you said that.. thats a pretty good idea.. just put it in place of a frame slider!:grin:

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I wave at all sport bikes, UNLESS they're totally squidin' it up. I'll wave at a cruiser/standard no matter what brand it is, IF they wave first. I refuse to wave at, or even acknowledge the existence of squids.

This town is full of idiots and honest to god I think my friend Rick and I are the only two who I know ALWAYS go out with a helmet/gloves/jacket, and I even wear my pants 99.995% of the time. If I'm going somewhere nice and have to wear decent pants, and won't have an opportunity to change, I'll wear my jeans/pants but I'm nervous as mouse in a snake pit the whole time.

I was out today and I passed ONE person (besides Tonya and I on my bike) wearing a helmet out of the probably 75 or so bikes, and she was only wearing a half helmet and on the back of a full dresser Hardley.

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I wave at all sport bikes, UNLESS they're totally squidin' it up. I'll wave at a cruiser/standard no matter what brand it is, IF they wave first. I refuse to wave at, or even acknowledge the existence of squids.

This town is full of idiots and honest to god I think my friend Rick and I are the only two who I know ALWAYS go out with a helmet/gloves/jacket, and I even wear my pants 99.995% of the time. If I'm going somewhere nice and have to wear decent pants, and won't have an opportunity to change, I'll wear my jeans/pants but I'm nervous as mouse in a snake pit the whole time.

I was out today and I passed ONE person (besides Tonya and I on my bike) wearing a helmet out of the probably 75 or so bikes, and she was only wearing a half helmet and on the back of a full dresser Hardley.

i agree with you. i wave to most riding but i refuse to wave to riders without gear on, esp. if they have the helmet hang'n off the side of the bike..:beating:

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the way i see it is, who cares.

otherwise, i say, real bikers wave and real bikers wave back. in other words, it doesnt matter what they are riding, or if they are even riding at the time, if they wave at me, they get a wave back. if i wave at another rider, he'll/she'll wave back if he/she is a biker, regardless of what he/she is riding.

to me a biker is any individual passionate about riding (motorcycle, scooter, bicycle, etc). even if he/she does not even own a bike at the time. riders are the ones who just ride two wheeled mechanized transportation. unfortunately, there is no way to tell who's who until you wave.........so, wave on and have fun!

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It kinda pisses me off when the Harley guys don't wave back. Those are the motherfuckers giving motorcyclists a bad rep.

your right it has nothing to do with squids on rockets with no helmets, no shirt, shorts, and sandals going 130mph while doing a wheelie on a busy highway, its the asshole that wont wave back.:D

Dont get me wrong i am an equal oppertunity hater and there are a lot of riders that are fucking morons and assholes and they ride every kind of bike made. I wave at ne thing on 2 wheels with an engine and i have had rockets scooters harleys and jap cruisers not wave back, and i really dont care why they dont, i still will.

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:lol: I HATE that shit! Pay attention to your side and quit worrying about waving to me from WAY over there. :rolleyes::lol:

I hate agreeing with NNick but I have to do it.If I don't know you, leave me alone!If I wanted more friends I would spend more time standing beside the bike trying to fit in.Instead I'm trying to ride!

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I hate agreeing with NNick but I have to do it.If I don't know you, leave me alone!If I wanted more friends I would spend more time standing beside the bike trying to fit in.Instead I'm trying to ride!

+1 Im on 71 south and your on 71 north... not the same road. They just happen to run next to each other with a big concrete line between them. Watch that semi that is swerving and not the other direction of traffic!

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Yeah if you're on the other side of the interstate I generally wont wave back. Occasionally I will though if we're both cruising in the passing lanes somewhat near each other.

Scooters? I don't care. You wave at me I'll wave at you, but I'm not waving first.

Complete squid in shorts, t-shirt, and no helmet? You get a single finger wave you douchebag.

Haven't seen any retards yet pulling extremely stupid crap on the interstate or roads around Centerville. When I do they get devoted to memory and if I'm in my car and have my camera or cell phone on me they are getting added to wall of dumbass I'm starting along with the squids.

HD guys have started the snubbing early this year for some reason. Maybe they know their days are numbered. They keep it up and I hope one day their stuck up, gay (not that there's anything wrong with that) Village People looking asses are nothing more than a bad memory. HD is one of those companies that needs to just go under. I'll just keep waving to them for now though.

My favorites to wave back at, other than a cute girl of course, are little kids. Nothing makes sitting in traffic after the end of a long day better than some little kid waving and then exchanging goofed up looks with them while they crack up laughing.

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