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A Ricer's Dream


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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Neo:

A stock, 20 year old, GT-S is NOT fast.

However, there are few better cars for a novice driver to learn how to handle a RWD car and the actual possibility of oversteer. Then, if he desires, he could swap in a 4-AGE or 4-AGZE and then be fast, but not in the straight-line, musclecar sense of the term. Even my beat-ass autotragic 1983 Corolla was more fun in the twisties than a $400 car should be, and taught me how to control oversteer.
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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

How does that not make it rice. Of course rice boys like their rice.....doesn't make it right/tasteful/not ricey.


If I somehow came into some money and spent most of it on a bad coke habit, and made the mistake of modding a wrong wheel drive vehicle, I would make DAMN sure my car was as anit-rice as they come. I would be VERY careful how my car looked in every aspect, and make sure the shitty sound comming from the motor would be as quiet as it would get. The exterior mods would be conservative and the car might get noticed, but in a good way. Luckily, I have no plans on pickng up a coke habbit.

And what makes your opinion any more important than some one else's opinion? Because you're Nitrousbird? Or on the SMC? Or because you have a superiority complex?


People like what they like. That doesn't make their opinion worth any less because they like this particular car or cars like it. You don't like it, that's fine.


Your opinion is not the end all be all of what a car is or isn't.

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Originally posted by Slowica GT:

And what makes your opinion any more important than some one else's opinion? Because you're Nitrousbird? Or on the SMC? Or because you have a superiority complex?


People like what they like. That doesn't make their opinion worth any less because they like this particular car or cars like it. You don't like it, that's fine.


Your opinion is not the end all be all of what a car is or isn't.

Rice is rice. There is a standard by which the general public goes by. It's not hard to drive by a riced out car and tell it is riced out. Kind of like how a cat is a cat, and a dog is a dog....it's not up for interpretation.
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Originally posted by Neo:

A stock, 20 year old, GT-S is NOT fast.

You sir, are absolutely correct. It is not fast by today's standards. It is, however, faster then a stock, 20 year old SR5, which used a severely underpowered SOHC 4A-C engine, isntead of the DOHC 4A-GE that powers the GT-S. A stock, 20 year old GT-S also has a better suspension, rear disc brakes, and a factory LSD, whereas a stock, 20 year old SR5 has no LSD, not-as-great suspension, and rear drum brakes.


However, a stock, 20 year old GT-S is now selling for way too much for what it is, because of people thinking that because Takumi can beat Evos with it in Initial D, that will make them able to do it too. Another factor is that SR5s outsold the GT-S almost 9 to 1 in the US, meaning that an SR5 is far easier to obtain then a GT-S is. When you also consider rust, and other issues that will affect your average 20 year old car in a place like Ohio, you have a better chance of finding a SR5 that can at least be repaired, if not one that is not rusted at all. These things create an larger demand for the GT-S when compared to the supply of them which has inflated the prices to unreasonable levels. The SR5 is usually ignored, however, because people seem to think it's an AE85 (and it does share some common things with the AE85, but AE85/86 is determined not by the suspension or the engine, but the chassis itself), when the AE85 was never sold in north america in the first place. This kept the price at a very cheap $400. I did my homework on the differences between the two versions before calling the chick to arrange to buy this car and made my decision based on what I could get out of it now, what I would need to put into it, and what result I would get from doing so in terms of learning experiences, and overall end result.


Seeing as it's my first stick, and first RWD, and that I am a noob to working on cars (I admit it. I am not an expert, and won't be for a long time.), this isn't a half bad choice to learn all of the above, and in the end, the reward for the effort is a nicely running AE86, that while not blazingly fast, still can be very fun and rewarding when driving on roads or a track with a lot of corners. When I want a fast car for driving in a straight line, I'll get something with more then 4 cylinders.

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Originally posted by Slowica GT:

And what makes your opinion any more important than some one else's opinion? Because you're Nitrousbird? Or on the SMC? Or because you have a superiority complex?


People like what they like. That doesn't make their opinion worth any less because they like this particular car or cars like it. You don't like it, that's fine.


Your opinion is not the end all be all of what a car is or isn't.

A little more harsh then what I might have had to say, but that's my basic point. I just don't find it that terribly riced. The mirrors on the hood are a bit strange, but it's really not that outrageous, and the car is obviously built as a show car. The description even says it is a show car. What do you do at a car show? You show off your car's looks. This car is built to show it's intended audience the things they like to see, and unlike a lot of other cars out there, it hasn't been taken to such excess that it looks like Las Vegas exploded on it.
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Originally posted by treefiddyzzz:

Check this out...I like the color...It reminds me of MTV's Pimp my ride



Giant wing, fart cannons, altezza's


only a ricer would think this ISN'T rice.

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