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Leather Seats:

Guest GCRdBlk

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Guest GCRdBlk

Had a very stupid moment

I left a plastic bag with designs/words on the outside on my leather passenger seat, and I suppose because of the heat, a couple of the letters bled onto the leather.

Anybody have any idea how to get off? Ive used every leather cleaner/conditioner I have. Anybody know any secrets that might help?

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Guest Spyder550
Try gently working the cleaner in with a fairly stiff plastic bristled brush and wiping away with a cloth. Has removed some nasty crud from my seats... Be sure to condition after you are done.
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Actually test to see if bleach is going to cause anything to fade on the leather, it might actually work. I have been able to get the writing from bread bags off of our counter tops that way. Clorox wipes might take it right off and not damage the leather. Did you try any rubbing alcohol? Dyes on sacks will generally also come off with a mild solvent such as that.
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Get a leather cleaner intended for shoes. Kiwi makes one in a little black bottle. It really cleans, 10x better than lexol, but if you use it for more than a few seconds, it will start to take the color off. So have a wet rag ready, rub the area with cleaner for up to 10 seconds, maybe, and then wipe it off immediately. Test in an inconspicuous area first . . .
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Guest GCRdBlk

I failed to mention the seats were tan leather, not black, if that makes any difference.

Nothing has worked yet and i have tried everything I could. Still working on it, but the seat still looks like it did in the beginning.

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See my post above. Little black bottle of leather cleaner by Kiwi, intended for shoes. Get it in the shoe department at a department store. Read the caution I wrote after it. Left on for too long, it will take any dye/coloring off, too -- will take it down to the natural color. So be careful - little at at time.
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