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fucking thieves


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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

I haven't noticed anything at all. No one has given me any problems, nor has there been any crime in my neighborhood that I'm aware of.



But dumb kids likes to hang out under the bridge and in the woods by the police station/park. That might be why Dave have noticed it and not us.

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Guest Elinar Longsight
Originally posted by ImprezaWRX:

did your sister happen to see if they were white or not?

Does it matter if they were or not? If they were white, does it mean they deserve less attention that if they were any other color? Tread lightly, fair warning.
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I've never had anything stolen from my house/yard untill they put the stupid skate park in across the creek. I would think most likely the people who did this were white kids if it makes a difference, but no my sis did not get a good look at them.




you are toeing the line take a step back from the racial shit its not needed or wanted on this board. I'm not going to warn you again you'll just get banned am I being clear.



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Guest Flapjack_Peso

i have a katana, that scares the shit out of trespassers when you go running after them with a three and a half foot long samurai sword, also a nice piece of pipe, about 1 1/2 inches thinck and two feet long, put a world of hurt on some poor kid.


just some helpful hints for beating up on the annoying kids, I live in the counrty and i have had stuff jacked from my garage on several acounts, i have motion liughts and three dogs but every now and then you get a few.

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Guest sixpackstang

I've been a victim of car thieves a few times too, and I've learned somewhat how to stop them.


#1, if you have a cd player with a detachable face plate, take it with you when you leave your car.


#2, they sell these thick metal straps that are hard to cut that you bolt to the back of the cd player and then bolt somewhere to the car. Get one of those, then lock tite that bitch on there. Most of the time they won't bother trying to cut that thing off. It's saved my ass once.


#3, if you get a car alarm, spend the extra money to get one with a self contained battery back-up for the siren. Otherwise they can cut the wires so fast nobody notices the alarm going off. These days people don't even look cause there's so many idiots who set off their own alarms. But if its going off for a long time somebody is bound to look.


Sorry to hear about your misfortune.

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Guest Roger Hupp
Yeah, dedicate (1) night on a weekend, leave a loaded subwoofer box in your driveway all day long, just to make sure they see it. As night falls, grab some chips and few drinks, hide and wait. Might take you a few weeks.
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On the west side of Columbus by the hh greg on broad street(right by doctors west) there is a weekend flea market, a guy there sells face plates, amnps and shit(that are stolen) my buddy got his amp, speakers and face plate stolen, went to the flea market with his dad, he goes all the time, well needless to say his amp and faceplate were there(he had them marked so he could recognize them) the seller said everything came from cali, but my buddy bought his faceplate back for like 15 bucks, go there they may have it
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