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Spotted Yellow 05 GT Mustang


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the yellow one i saw at walmart near easton was a v6. it had black stripes on it, and they had a club on the steering wheel and on the pedals lol.


i also saw a silver V6 in best buy parking lot 2 nights ago, had a black mustang graphic at the bottom of the door... i think that was kinda graemlins/gay.gif but whatever...


also saw a black GT out by little turtle. looked pretty nice

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Wow, you guys always hated on people who were starting threads about spotting a Skyline.


Majority of the people on this board have spotted an 05 mustang and or corvette but its ok for everyone to post about it :-p.


On a side note, I have seen probably 3 05 stangs all with teenage drivers in rich neighborhoods. They all looked equally bad but power to the kids for talking his or her dad into buying them one.


Atleast a Skyline is a Rare car around here, 05 stangs are no different then 04 03 02 01 99 etc. Every teenage girl will own one.(My g/f has a white 97 or 98.)

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Originally posted by Rane:

My g/f has a white 97 or 98.

Out of a slim chance I might know this girl, is it an auto w/ no spoiler, and is your g/f thin w/ long blonde hair (had an ex w/ a white 98 V6, and I fear for and will warn anyone suckered into dating her).
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No, its a manual and she has brown hair. Thats all I'm giving you. Sept the fact that she is beautifull. My oppinion of course, I'm sure with all the people dating super models on here they'd find something wrong with her.


On a side note, there is probably 100,000 other girls driving white v6's in columbus alone.

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