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New Top Speed


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on the way home from the thrift store tonight i hit 182 mph :Dgraemlins/bubbrubb.gif damn was that fun... and really fast. had no cars around, i was crusin in 6th... ducked behind the wind screen and let her have it. at 182 mph she was still climbin' strong :eek: , but i figured i should drop the throttle at that point tongue.gif
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Guest stvbreal
Thats the reason I sold my 900RR. 175 passing cars on the berm(spl). I'm a dumbass when I get on a bike. Very easily provoked by others riding with me. tongue.gif
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Originally posted by Dave Sigman:

crazy fucker you keep doing shit like that and someones going to have to clean you up with a shovel. Damn thats fast though

Fuck that, there won't be anything left to clean up..
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I can’t picture how anyone can go that fast on a bike. I have been up to 135 on my Interceptor years ago and will not do that ever again. I was young and naive (26). I was tucked down in fairing, but still felt like I was going to be pulled off the bike from the wind.


Be careful and don’t do anything any stupid, you will not get a second chance.




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Guest nevarmore
Originally posted by The Vette:

Only thing I can say is... graemlins/slap.gif

Now don't be angry because he's faster than you are, even on the bottle. :D
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Originally posted by Nick GT:

Yes, very inaccurate. My old gixxer 600 read 186 before, we all know thats not right. I have a GPS locator that you can carry and will tell you your exact speed.

let me borrow that shizzle :D
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Just to back you up on your top speed, I also ride bikes, have a RC51 right now and will say that a sportbike is WAY more stable at those speeds than a car. That still doesn't mean it isn't dangerous. By the way I had a 900 with the same colors a few years ago, sold it to get a gixxer 750.
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Originally posted by buckeye:

your a dumbass for going that fast on public roads that aren't A. Smooth- B. clean of debree and outher dumbass drivers

and your just a dumb ass

if i choose to exceed speed limits on roads, where no cars are present i will do so at my own risk. 71s is quite clean and the bike was extremely stable.. talk to me when you own a vehicle that will do over 85

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