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HELP: lost my keys...


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So yeaaaaaaaah... last night I went out and now I have no keys. I'm not exactly sure where I lost them. I went searching at everyplace I went last night, but I found nothing. What should I do? Anyone know any locksmith that can hook me up?


PS.. I'm so smart I lost the keys actually to both my cars. So yeah...

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I always keep copies. Usually I have at least three sets of keys, the one I use, a copy I have, and I give my parents a copy just in case. Chalk this one up to lessons learned.


You'll probably need a locksmith, but I'm sure that won't be cheap. Not sure how much becuase I've never had to do it before because I spend three bucks to get copies made as soon as I get a car (or anything else that needs keys).


I'm feeling like giving you an extra dose of jack ass today so here you go.






I'm sure you have a phone book siting around your place somewhere?

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Originally posted by 86 Eh?:

A Locksmith charges $2500 to make a new key? I'm really only concerned with my Silver/black '85 key right now. The gold one I don't drive and it rarely moves.

those cars are worth that much? tongue.gif


There is a locksmith in Reynodsburg on East Main Street that helped me out a long time ago when I lost my keys to my Maxima... I don't remember the name of the shop though.

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Grab your title and/or registration to prove ownership of the car. Take it to your friendly neighborhood Toyota dealership and ask them to cut you a new key off the VIN number.


I had to do this once for an ex-gf of mine that lost the keys to her Jeep. Once the guy at the parts counter saw proof of ownership, they were happy to do it. Total cost was maybe 10 bux, normal price of a blank and a cut.


Each auto company only uses a certain number of keys for all of their vehicles. Locksmiths can buy what's called "master sets" which is every key used for that make for whatever set of years the company ran them. A nice locksmith would just run through his set until finding the right one that fits your lock, and cutting a new one off that.

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That's for him to come out and do it, but thank god! I went to Regal and they said someone turned in my keys, I guess they fell off my chain in the parking lot when I undid my little climbing hook thing from my pants. Now I don't have to waste money, on the way home I stopped and made copies. smile.gif
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