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any kind of reliability in a Eclipse GTS or a newer Celica?


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a car is only reliable as the upkeep that is put into it and the way it is driven. any vehicle that is driven hard such as accelerating too quickly, cornering hard, braking too hard etc... will age a car up to 5 times faster. you may not like that old people drive slowly, but a brand new car will last my grandfather 10 years longer then it will last me


true, american cars have had thier quality problems throughout the 80's and 90's, but they have stepped up quality in the past few years because they realized that they were losing money out the ass to foreign companies, so really newer american cars are just as reliable as a honda or toyota, its just that due to the problems domestic companies had, the public opinion is that asian companies make better cars, and it will take years to change the mass opinion

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i just got a 2002 celica gts last month and im extremely pleased... look for somebody that got the 75,000 mile warranty because their transferable, a huge bonus for only $50!



by the way anyone wanna buy the car below??? just pm me... sorry had to add that.

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Originally posted by jeep17:

i just got a 2002 celica gts last month and im extremely pleased... look for somebody that got the 75,000 mile warranty because their transferable, a huge bonus for only $50!



by the way anyone wanna buy the car below??? just pm me... sorry had to add that.

i don't think she can afford a 2002, but how much you askin?
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If your friend gets the Celica and decides she wants to do some light modding, intake, exhaust, lowering springs, let me know. I can talk to some of my friends, might be able to get that stuff on for her. Same goes for you Jeep.


If you're interested in meeting other local Celica owners, we do get together frequently, check out www.teamcelica.com.

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