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Foliage & Driving Fast!


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Wanted to share, I'm a member with local corvette club. Last Sunday we drove (4 vettes) south to Marietta. Oh. We looked at covered bridges (that weren't washed out) by last mo's floods, ate, & drove FAST on rt 26 / a windy, hilly, no police piece of road. I had a blast all day running thru 25 mph turns at 55 mph, just dropping to third, givin her fuel & ridin thru the turn. Saw flock of a doz wild turkeys & some deer. Just a great day enjoyin the car! I'd recommend this to everyone - :D
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Originally posted by copperhead:



OMG, I'm an automotive enthusiast, but I can't STAND to drive 2 hours away to hit some of the best roads in the country! *sniff*

Ok, sorry to offend you, let me rephrase that. I absolutely love the 2+ hour drive with the $2.30 gallon gas prices going down to the best roads in the country. In fact, the best part about driving on these roads is the 2+ hour drive to get there in the first place, especially with my broken cd player so I have to listen to crappy over played music. The 2+ hour drive, yeah, definitely THE best part. Lets not forget the 2+ hour drive back, hellzyeah.


Realistically, I don't mind the trip and I would definitely go down there, but the drive still sucks ass, so stop being a little bitch.

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Originally posted by Mulletman n' maro:

Ok, sorry to offend you, let me rephrase that. I absolutely love the 2+ hour drive with the $2.30 gallon gas prices going down to the best roads in the country. In fact, the best part about driving on these roads is the 2+ hour drive to get there in the first place, especially with my broken cd player so I have to listen to crappy over played music. The 2+ hour drive, yeah, definitely THE best part. Lets not forget the 2+ hour drive back, hellzyeah.


Realistically, I don't mind the trip and I would definitely go down there, but the drive still sucks ass, so stop being a little bitch.

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Originally posted by Mulletman n' maro:

Ok, sorry to offend you, let me rephrase that. I absolutely love the 2+ hour drive with the $2.30 gallon gas prices going down to the best roads in the country. In fact, the best part about driving on these roads is the 2+ hour drive to get there in the first place, especially with my broken cd player so I have to listen to crappy over played music. The 2+ hour drive, yeah, definitely THE best part. Lets not forget the 2+ hour drive back, hellzyeah.


Realistically, I don't mind the trip and I would definitely go down there, but the drive still sucks ass, so stop being a little bitch.

Actually, it's two hours from here to the end of the road he was talking about. If gas prices bother you, buy a TDI Jetta. If you enjoy driving, quit bitching.
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Actually, it's two hours from here to the end of the road he was talking about. If gas prices bother you, buy a TDI Jetta. If you enjoy driving, quit bitching.[/QB]
Well, from where I'm located it well take more than 2 hours just to get to Marietta, the start of the road. I'm not complaining about the distance between Marietta and I think route 800 where it ends. I just brought up the gas issue to prove a point that the drive to the start of the road sucks ass. Alot of people don't have that kind of time on their hands. Besides, why the hell would I buy Jetta?
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Originally posted by Mulletman n' maro:

Well, from where I'm located it well take more than 2 hours just to get to Marietta, the start of the road. I'm not complaining about the distance between Marietta and I think route 800 where it ends. I just brought up the gas issue to prove a point that the drive to the start of the road sucks ass. Alot of people don't have that kind of time on their hands. Besides, why the hell would I buy Jetta?

50 MPG?


Find a nice saturday afternoon and a couple friends, it's a fun trip. Plus, there's dozens of other roads down there that are even more fun to drive on.

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You know if you really hate the drive you could change to route to get there. You know make the trip down there take longer, but you get to drive fast and scenic all the way.

I'd start by taking I-70 to SR 13 (You could cut all highway driving by using US 40(National Scenic Route) to SR 13.) drive on it for a long ass ways until you get to SR 37 and drive on it until you hit Malta at SR 60. Take SR 60 to SR 676 into Marietta. Then take SR 7 to SR 26. Have fun.


13 and 37 are rolling hills, corn fields, and turns along with great scenery of some reclaimed mine lands, and some covered bridges and farm houses. SR 60 is pretty straight forward, but 676 is awesome. Very hard turns with 5 to 10 deg banks in the bigger ones. 676 and 26 are roads where my GPS is my best friend.


If your looking for more trouble in a crappier car with AWD or something you could run SR 555 from I-70 to the Ohio River. It takes over 3 hours driving very hard. Lots of severe jumps and turns along with gravel in some of the turns.


Want any more info or GPS tracks let me know.



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Well, it's not so much that I don't like to drive, 'cuse I do (like to drive that is). It's just that it would be a long boring drive, and my cd player with all my kickass music is FUBAR. But, the alternative route you gave sounds pretty badass. As for the 50 mpg Jetta, yeah that's nice and all, but I prefer my loud as hell, true duel exhaust, 6-speed v-8. Pissing off liberal tree huggers is better than 50 mpg any day. Besides, I get just under 30 mpg highway, as long as I don't get on it. But, sometimes that's a little hard to do. Hopefully I'll have some extra time before it starts to snow to go down there, check it out.
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